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‘When he is older there will be no rain’: how southern Madagascar is coping in a climate crisis
Environment World News

‘When he is older there will be no rain’: how southern Madagascar is coping in a climate crisis

Dimache, 32, assistant to the head of the village, in his home with his wife Kazy, 27, and children Safidy, five, Dinah, two, and baby Azizo. Dimache welcomes the help, but expects life to become more precarious. ‘There used to be a forest here,’ he says of the area outside his home. ‘The trees help hold the water when the rain does come.’ In 2021, severe drought left more than 1 million people in southern Madagascar facing acute hunger. Many people left Vohitsova and headed north looking for food and work. ‘I think more people will leave,’ he says

Source: theguardian.com