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Review of Latest Model Agency - the Most Uninspired of All Time
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Review of Latest Model Agency – the Most Uninspired of All Time


Welcome to iversity! Let’s talk about inclusivity and representation, while avoiding narrow-mindedness. These are all admirable objectives that we can all support. However, defining what exactly diversity, inclusivity, and open-mindedness mean can be challenging. But for the purpose of this discussion, we will focus on the positive aspects, as showcased in the Zebedee talent agency’s documentary New Model Agency. This film highlights their clients who challenge traditional beauty norms, and was created in collaboration with Channel 4 and Marks & Spencer.

One issue with virtuous individuals and noble motives is that they can be quite boring. Similarly, not all models are intriguing individuals and when they appear in a production that is aligned with a business entity that wants everything to appear flawless … well, the desire to harm oneself with a fork becomes stronger as time goes on.

The content may seem uninteresting and without purpose, although there are exceptions, such as low-sugar baked beans. However, one positive aspect is the glimmer of hope generated by the presence of this particular agency. Each model that is chosen “despite” having qualities such as vitiligo, a noticeable birthmark, alopecia, a prosthetic limb, or other features that typically disqualify them from the industry, serves as a small step towards breaking down the limited and unrealistic standards of beauty that have been unquestioned for a long time. As you see more of Shem (who has albinism), Jasroop (who has vitiligo and exudes attitude in every photo), or Tia (who has alopecia and shines without her wig in front of the camera), you begin to realize the bland and uniform nature of the images that are presented as acceptable. It’s not that beauty is subjective, but rather, those who possess that certain intangible quality that draws people to them will be captured by the camera no matter what. In theory, an all-encompassing agency would also represent individuals who are not traditionally photogenic (like me!) and promote a message of accepting what we have. But that’s a thought for another time.

In the meantime, we have uninteresting photo shoots to attend and pleasant but dull individuals to listen to as they validate each other’s greatness. Thankfully, we have Jasroop, who is the closest thing to a standout character on the show. Her reaction when she is asked to wear a pair of plain grey gym shorts during a shoot in Venice is truly captivating. She reveals that just two years ago, she was once a shy and intimidated person, due to her condition. For this reason, I will continue to tune in, hoping to uncover the cause of her significant mental transformation. “I highly doubt Kate Moss has ever had to deal with this,” she remarks as she reluctantly takes a water taxi home. “Does this boat pass by McDonald’s?”

Since this is partly a reality show, there needs to be a prize given at some point. This prize involves a photo shoot with Rankin for one of the models chosen out of numerous applications received by the agency. Tia is the lucky winner and everyone is happy for her. Despite Rankin’s comment that “She looks like a model, so she’ll easily get work,” Tia is grateful and excited for the opportunity. Unlike some of the other applicants, Tia was familiar with Rankin before winning the prize. She expresses her appreciation for the experience of being photographed by him. It all seems perfect until we remember Tia’s past struggles with hair loss and her family’s unawareness of it. However, Tia makes progress by posting photos of herself without a wig on Instagram. I’m becoming disinterested. Where is Jas?

Here she is! In the only other enjoyable moment – a scene where Jas is asked to play with a basketball as a prop during the Venice gymwear photoshoot. She bounces the ball on the ground, which is a natural reaction. The shoot comes to a halt and everyone is frozen in shock, except for Jas. The basketball, a Prada item, is carefully inspected by the crew. Luckily, it is undamaged, despite being, well, a basketball. The room lets out a breath of relief and the shoot resumes. While the industry may strive for diversity, I have a feeling it will still have absurd moments like this.

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Source: theguardian.com