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The weekly roundup of wildlife in photos features a regal crane, a clumsy baby owl, and dozing seals.
Environment World News

The weekly roundup of wildlife in photos features a regal crane, a clumsy baby owl, and dozing seals.

Two roaming birds – the albatross – were found on Marion Island, which is part of the Prince Edward Islands, a territory owned by South Africa in the southern Indian Ocean close to Antarctica. Unfortunately, this island has a sorrowful past of foreign creatures invading its habitat. At first, mice arrived on ships and caused an overpopulation. In order to control this, cats were introduced, but in turn, the mice population once again spiked after the cats were brought under control. The albatrosses, along with their eggs, have suffered greatly due to being used as a food source. In response, conservationists are devising a plan to exterminate the mice in mass quantities using helicopters and several tons of rodent poison.

Image: Anton Wolfaardt/AP

Source: theguardian.com