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"The pursuit of landing on the moon" - podcast
Science World News

“The pursuit of landing on the moon” – podcast

Robin McKie serves as the science editor for the Observer and has been for 42 years. Throughout his career, he has reported on a wide range of scientific topics, including breakthroughs in genetics and revelations in physics. However, the subject that ignites his passion the most is space exploration, particularly the moon.

He explains to Michael Safi how the 1969 moon landing, which was the first time humans went to the moon, sparked his generation’s imagination. He also shares why the current missions to the moon are something to be eagerly anticipated.

In 1969, it appeared clear that regular trips to the moon would not only be achievable but expected. However, no individual has set foot on the moon’s surface since 1972.

This month, it was anticipated that the Vulcan Centaur rocket would successfully launch the Peregrine spacecraft to the lunar surface from Cape Canaveral in the United States. However, due to a fuel leak, this outcome is no longer possible.

If everything goes according to plan, Japan will successfully place an unmanned spacecraft on the moon’s surface today. However, even with significant progress in scientific technology since the initial Apollo missions, McKie explains why landing on the moon still presents a challenging feat.

The Vulcan Centaur rocket carrying the Peregrine lunar lander lifts off from Cape Canaveral. Photograph: ULA/PA Wire

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Source: theguardian.com