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The possibility of conflicts over climate change is looming in Queensland as the LNP is being urged to support the government's goal of reducing emissions.
Climate World News

The possibility of conflicts over climate change is looming in Queensland as the LNP is being urged to support the government’s goal of reducing emissions.

Environmental advocates are urging the opposition party in Queensland to put an end to the ongoing conflict surrounding climate change by supporting the government’s goal of reducing carbon emissions. Leaders in the renewable energy industry are also calling for cooperation and unity from both parties on this matter.

The recently appointed leader, Steven Miles, presented a proposal in state parliament on Wednesday to establish a bold goal of reducing carbon emissions by 75% by the year 2035.

Miles stated that the bill sets a “responsible, credible, and crucial goal” and positions Queensland as a global frontrunner in achieving net zero emissions.

The Australian Conservation Foundation urged opposition leader David Crisafulli to put an end to the ongoing conflict over climate change in the state. They called for him to match this announcement in order to create a long-lasting, environmentally-friendly climate and energy policy.

Gavan McFadzean of the Foundation urges the Albanese government, who will be deciding on a 2035 target within the next year, to view the goal of reaching 75% by 2035 as a minimum, not a maximum.

The Liberal National party has not yet declared a stance on the bill, as some members believe it is still too soon to fully comprehend it.

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During a discussion about a distinct climate legislation on Tuesday, opposition spokesperson for the environment Sam O’Connor stated that he would be examining the calculations supporting the goal.

He stated that he was taken aback by the goals set, which included a 30% decrease by 2030 and a significant rise to a 75% decrease in just five years, by 2035.

I will be gathering more information about the legislation as it progresses through the committee process before stating the Liberal National party’s reaction. We must review the calculations and underlying assumptions used by the government to determine these targets.

According to Wayne Smith, a member of the Smart Energy Council, which represents Australia’s renewable energy sector, the industry requires support from both political parties.

As the [October state] election approaches, more individuals will be curious about the opposition’s stance. This may lead to hesitation in making investment choices without support from both parties.

According to Smith, the passing of the legislation would greatly accelerate investment.

According to Tim Buckley, the director of Climate Energy Finance, the industry needs bipartisan backing to ensure long-term planning and security.

According to Buckley, this indicates that it has durability and trustworthiness, which assures investors of the necessary certainty to support the massive investments of hundreds of billions of dollars needed for this endeavor to succeed.

Advisors will not have any vested interests.

If legislated, the bill would set a 2030 target of 30% below 2005 levels, and 75% by 2035. It would then require the minister to set a series of interim targets every five years after 2035 until net zero 2050, a decade in advance.

Additionally, the government would need to create a panel of clean economy experts to advise on policy development.

The committee will create various strategies to decrease emissions in specific industries such as energy, transportation, agriculture, and industry by 2025. The minister is required to provide yearly updates to parliament on the progress made.

The minister will appoint a panel of two to five members, with the state’s Chief Scientist automatically included as a member.

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According to the suggested legislation, individuals must possess expertise or credentials in the fields of climate change science or economics, as well as the advancement of industries with low emissions, rural and regional development, or any other area deemed relevant by the minister.

The government will not select board members who represent fossil fuel companies or have other biased interests, according to Energy Minister Mick de Brenni.

De Brenni stated that the members of the expert panel are truly knowledgeable and will collaborate with us using genuine strategies. This panel is not composed of individuals with personal agendas. They will not rely on non-existent technology or make recommendations that encourage excessive dependence on offsets.

The leader stated that the strategy would include a team of experts to advise us on the path forward, as well as a set of plans for specific areas to ensure that we are making the most logical cuts.

The Clean Economy Jobs bill, also known as the legislation, focuses on its potential to positively affect the economy.

On Wednesday, the prime minister presented a bill to parliament that aims to protect employment opportunities for workers in our regions, both in established industries and emerging ones.

Miles stated that our goal of reducing emissions by 75% by 2035 is grounded in scientific evidence and aligns with internationally accepted objectives.

“Even more significant, these targets will offer businesses the confidence to transition to renewable energy and attract new industries to our area. These goals are vital for securing the necessary investments for our economic prosperity.”

According to him, the state is close to reaching its 2030 target as emissions are currently 29% lower than they were in 2005.

The legislation will be presented to the Clean Economy Jobs, Resources, and Transport Committee in parliament for examination.

Buckley described the higher emissions reduction goal as another bold action following the government’s progressive coal royalty program.

He stated that the longer we refuse to acknowledge the science, the longer we postpone investments in future industries.

Source: theguardian.com