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Researchers have discovered that people who regularly consume coffee are less likely to experience a recurrence of bowel cancer.
Science World News

Researchers have discovered that people who regularly consume coffee are less likely to experience a recurrence of bowel cancer.

Research has discovered that individuals with bowel cancer who consume two to four cups of coffee daily have a significantly lower chance of experiencing a recurrence of their illness.

The study revealed that individuals suffering from the disease who consume the same quantity of coffee are at a lower risk of death from any cause. This indicates that coffee may be beneficial for those diagnosed with the second leading cancer killer in the UK.

Experts said the findings were ā€œpromisingā€ and speculated that, if other studies show the same effect, the 43,000 Britons a year diagnosed with bowel cancer may be encouraged to drink coffee. The disease claims about 16,500 lives a year ā€“ 45 a day.

Dutch and British researchers conducted a study of 1,719 patients with bowel cancer in the Netherlands and found that consuming at least two cups of coffee lowered the risk of disease recurrence. The results showed a direct correlation between the amount of coffee consumed and the level of risk reduction.

According to the published study in the International Journal of Cancer, which was supported by the World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF), individuals who consumed a minimum of five cups of coffee per day were 32% less likely to experience a recurrence of bowel cancer compared to those who drank less than two cups.

In addition, greater amounts of coffee intake were found to be significantly associated with an individual’s likelihood of survival.

Once more, individuals who consumed a minimum of two cups of coffee per day had a decreased chance of mortality compared to those who did not. Similarly, those who drank at least five cups experienced the greatest decrease in their likelihood of dying, by 29%.

An average of 95 million cups of coffee are consumed daily by individuals in the UK.

Dr. Ellen Kampman, a professor of nutrition and disease at Wageningen University in the Netherlands, stated that the disease has a 20% recurrence rate for those diagnosed and can be deadly.

This research suggests that consuming three to four cups of coffee may decrease the likelihood of bowel cancer returning.

Nonetheless, she emphasized that the team discovered a significant correlation between frequent coffee consumption and the disease, rather than a cause-effect connection between the two.

“We have a positive outlook and believe that the discovery is genuine due to its dose-dependent nature. The larger the amount of coffee consumed, the stronger the impact,” she stated.

Recent research has once again demonstrated the cancer-preventing benefits of coffee. Previous studies have consistently shown a decrease in liver and womb cancer risk, and there is some indication that it may have a similar effect on mouth, pharynx, larynx, and skin cancers. Additionally, previous findings have linked coffee consumption with a reduced likelihood of developing bowel cancer.

Marc Gunter, a professor who worked on the research and holds a position in cancer prevention and epidemiology at Imperial College London’s school of public health, remarked that the results were intriguing since it is not clear how coffee could have such an impact on individuals with bowel cancer.

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He stated, “However, these findings also offer promise as they could potentially lead to improved outcomes and survival rates for individuals with colorectal cancer.”

ā€œCoffee contains hundreds of biologically active compounds which have antioxidative properties and may be protective against bowel cancer.


Drinking coffee can decrease inflammation and insulin levels, both of which have been associated with the onset and advancement of bowel cancer. Additionally, it may have positive effects on the gut microbiome.

“Nevertheless, further investigation is necessary to thoroughly examine the biological mechanisms underlying the potential impact of coffee on the prognosis and survival of bowel cancer.”

The WCRF has acknowledged the presence of chlorogenic acid in kale as a potential contributor in regulating glucose levels and insulin production, potentially providing a crucial component in the explanation.

The fact that coffee has been identified as a possible defense against cancer is significant. This is because in 2016, the World Health Organization had categorized it as “possibly carcinogenic” before reversing their stance due to inadequate evidence.

Source: theguardian.com