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Human-caused global warming has made the extreme heatwave in Madagascar highly improbable, according to experts. The extreme heatwave in Madagascar would have been nearly impossible without the effects of human-caused global warming, as stated by experts.

A recent study has found that the record-high temperatures experienced in Madagascar during October would have been highly unlikely without the influence of human-induced global warming.

Millions of impoverished individuals were impacted by severe temperatures, yet their plight went undocumented by authorities and the press. Numerous African governments lack the resources to document the effects of climate change. The scientists responsible for the report stated that this lack of data makes it challenging to enact preventative measures and prevent loss of life.

A recent study conducted in sub-Saharan Africa was the first to connect the prolonged heatwave to the ongoing climate crisis. The research revealed that temperatures in the region were 2.5C higher than the average, with Antananarivo, the capital of Madagascar and home to over 3 million people, experiencing particularly unusual levels of heat. The researchers also predicted that if the current trend of fossil fuel consumption continues and raises global temperatures by 2C above pre-industrial levels, this intensity of heatwave could occur every five years.

Numerous investigations on climate have revealed that the rise in global temperatures due to human activity is causing an increase in both the frequency and severity of extreme weather events worldwide. It is estimated that heatwaves alone may have resulted in countless unreported deaths in the past 30 years.

Assistance from affluent nations to assist developing nations in managing the effects of climate change will be a central focus at the upcoming UN Cop28 climate conference, commencing on November 30th.

Dr. Rondrotiana Barimalala, a researcher specializing in oceanography from Madagascar, currently working at the Norwegian Research Centre in Bergen, expressed concerns about the effects of climate change on the country. According to her, the impact of climate change is already being felt in Madagascar, causing difficulties for millions of individuals. She stressed the importance of both communities and governments taking action to improve resilience in the face of these challenges.

Over 90% of the population in the country lives in poverty, with half lacking clean water and electricity. Additionally, a significant number reside in makeshift dwellings which poses challenges in coping with extreme temperatures.

According to Dr Izidine Pinto, a climate expert from the Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute, Africa is well-known for not accurately reporting the effects of heat. Due to economic struggles, many countries lack the resources to handle extreme heat.

Sayanti Sengupta from the Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre stated that the lack of reports does not mean there is no impact – there definitely is. She also mentioned that according to anecdotal evidence, the high night-time temperatures have made it difficult for children to breathe during the heatwave.

In August, top climate experts informed the Guardian that the unprecedented extreme weather witnessed in 2023 has surpassed previous global temperature records and is only a preview of the more severe consequences to be expected.

A recent investigation was carried out by the World Weather Attribution team. Through analyzing weather data and climate models, the scientists examined the severity and occurrence of heatwaves in Madagascar currently in relation to those prior to the rise in global temperatures.

According to Dr Friederike Otto, a climate science expert at Imperial College London, the issue of climate change is primarily caused and exacerbated by wealthy nations and corporations, while the most vulnerable populations are bearing the brunt of its effects. At the 28th Conference of Parties (Cop28), it is crucial for developed countries to make firm pledges to provide financial support to the loss and damage fund.

Source: theguardian.com