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"France secured a 45-24 victory over Wales in the Six Nations match held in 2024, with live updates throughout the game."
Rugby union Sport

“France secured a 45-24 victory over Wales in the Six Nations match held in 2024, with live updates throughout the game.”

The report from Michael Aylwin has arrived and I will now conclude.

There’s much for Warren Gatland and his Welsh team to consider as they put up a good effort before being outmatched.

This was reminiscent of the France of the past. They displayed brute strength, quickness from their scrum-half, and effectiveness on the edges. Their upcoming match against England promises to be an exciting showdown.

Thank you everyone. See you soon.

As we anticipate the release of the report, take a look at this amusing and absurd content.

Is Gatland partly responsible?

Initially, it appears that Gats was not interested in conversing.

This image shows a rather somber Warren Gatland.

I am unsure if it escaped. In the final 20 minutes, the score was 24-23, but we were unable to control the game. Our mistakes resulted in giving away easy points. We may have been overly aggressive. Even when we were behind by six points with 70 minutes gone, our focus should have been on maintaining possession and not making mistakes, as we knew we would have another opportunity to score. However, our lack of game management ultimately cost us.

The power struggle among the French team occasionally had an impact. The scrum is currently not performing well. However, our line-out was executed flawlessly. We could have improved our line speed on defense. Our strategy was to utilize multiple attacks in order to challenge the opposing team, but we hindered our own progress.

Next week’s match against Italy is crucial for our team. We can’t avoid the importance of it, we must face this challenge head on. The pressure from outside sources will be high, but we need to rise to the occasion. With a younger group of players, it’s imperative that they grasp the intensity of Test match rugby quickly.

Now onto the captain of Wales, Dafydd Jenkins.

We predicted that the French would become tired, but our plans did not unfold as expected. We will revisit the situation and try again next week.

The men were large. We anticipated it. We were thrilled by the physical confrontation, but we were definitely defeated today. However, we are not pleased with the outcome.

The male individuals consistently put in their full effort each week. I do not believe exhaustion will ever be an issue. Each person present has a strong devotion to their nation and would be willing to play all day for it. It likely concerns precision.

The upcoming week is crucial for our team. We aim to not be in last place. Italy has had success at this location in the past, so we are not assuming an easy win. We will take time to analyze this match and determine ways to improve.

This is Charles Ollivon, the French captain:

Our performance was exceptional. Following the Italy game, we were filled with frustration, so we aimed to once again make our fans proud.

We have an enormous collection. We aimed to be strict regarding any collisions. I believe we performed well tonight.

We have talented players from France. Nolann [Le Garrec] and Georges[-Henri Colombe] scored tries and I am pleased for their accomplishments.

How can you locate big individuals?

Wales has a lot to think about.

Although the discussion may revolve around the pleasant aspects of rugby, the outcome of the game ultimately depends on winning the physical confrontation.

The quote is attributed to Sam Warburton in an interview with the BBC.

At the moment, Wales has a disadvantage in terms of physical strength compared to France.

Correct. With all elements considered equal, the larger individual typically emerges victorious.

The pivotal moment came when the bench was utilized, resulting in a successful 6-2 split. Having all six of those massive forwards on the field was advantageous. Although Wales put up a good fight in the chaotic match, they ultimately succumbed to the sheer strength of the French team.

“It’s time for Gatland to put on his walking shoes.”

According to Stephen Roach, a reader, the statement may be a bit too critical. However, there are many positive aspects in the first half.

Ramos fails to make his first kick of the day, preventing France from surpassing Scotland on the log. However, the visitors’ performance was impressive.

A force to be reckoned with in all aspects, this performance truly embodied the beloved France we are familiar with. Dominant, precise (for the most part), and led by an exceptional scrum-half who deservedly received the player of the match recognition.

Reactions to come.

An unexpected bonus! They execute a hidden maneuver from the scrum. Though Penaud makes significant progress, he is unable to reach the goal, so he passes to Lucu, who only needs to fall over the line.

After dominating the game, France continues to maintain their position in Wales’ territory. However, despite their efforts, no player can make significant progress past the defensive line. In a turnover, the skilful Penaud makes a swift advance. Wales then forces an opponent off the field, earning them a throw-in close to their own end. Unfortunately, the throw-in is not accurate, giving France the opportunity to secure the win with a five-meter scrum.

78 minutes: That’s the way to make an exit. France successfully secures the scrum, followed by a powerful long-distance clearance kick from Lucu.

Le Garrec is awarded player of the match, a decision that is spot on. He performed exceptionally well.

In the 76th minute, Wales is awarded a penalty at the halfway point. Davies quickly takes the penalty before any French player can react. He evades two players and passes the ball, but Lewis on the support line is unable to catch it.

The situation is becoming chaotic for Wales. Unless an unlikely miracle occurs, this will be the outcome.

In the 72nd minute, Wales is struggling to move beyond their own 22. France successfully counters and applies intense pressure during the breakdown. As a result, they are awarded a penalty when Lewis fails to release the ball after Colombe’s intervention. Wales is struggling to maintain composure.

The box-kick from Davies is blocked by a large player who goes on to score. France has secured their bonus point. In a span of 60 seconds, two errors have created a significant gap between the two teams.

Wales was not at their best when after losing possession, Lloyd opted for a long miss-pass instead of utilizing multiple players on the line. This gave Bielle-Bierrey the chance to make a recovery tackle, resulting in Wales being pinned in their own 22.

After 68 minutes of play, Lloyd replaces Costelow on the field and attempts a high kick for Adams to catch. However, this is a difficult task and results in a French line-out in Welsh territory. The French team secure the ball and send it to their forwards. The Welsh defense holds as the French make short charges towards the goal. Despite their bigger players gaining ground, they eventually lose control of the ball. The Welsh team regains possession.

On their debut, the huge player was able to successfully score a try. The sequence began with an incredible play from Penaud, followed by a great pick-up from le Garrec and ended with Cololmbe ensuring the score from a close distance. It could have been any French forward who scored in the end.

They’re finished! They will inspect it, but I’m sure this is a French attempt following a swift strike from Colombe in close proximity.

In the 64th minute of the game, France makes a quick and impressive play from a scrum as Penaud speeds down the field. He then passes the ball to Le Garrec, who skillfully picks it up from the ground. With their forwards, France advances to within five meters of the try line and right under the goal posts.

After 62 minutes, Wales gains possession of the ball for the first time in a while. However, Davies, who has substituted in for Williams, drops the ball at the end of a ruck and the French team will have a scrum at their own 50-meter line.

Easy goal by Ramos. France is now one point away from tying the game with the momentum on their side.

In the 60th minute, Penaud makes a remarkable run and charges ahead. He is almost tackled, but France keeps pushing forward. Le Gerrec passes to a teammate in motion and Wales is caught offside as they retreat. Instead of opting for a scrum, they decide to kick for a goal, confident that they can secure the winning points later.

After 58 minutes, Wales got fortunate. France committed an early scrum and gave away a free-kick due to their lack of discipline. Wales can now relax and feel relieved.

In the 57th minute of the game, France was penalized for a scrum. They gained momentum from their second push. Another infraction could result in a Welsh player receiving a yellow card.

The TMO comes in to assist and rescues Wale. However, France has the upper hand and decides to restart the scrum. They are now just five meters away from the try line, right in front of the goal posts.

Wait a moment… This could be disqualified due to a knock-on.

Unavoidable. The Scrum France had the option to move in either direction. They kept the score tight and Flament successfully scores from a short distance.

After 54 minutes, Wales managed to maintain their lead with an impressive display of defense. The key play came from Penaud’s powerful carry after the first scrum, which sparked a push from the French team. Despite Reffell attempting to steal the ball, he was penalized for entering from the side, giving France the advantage. However, they were unable to find an opening to score and ultimately opted for a scrum penalty under the goalposts.

After 53 minutes, France is continuously pressuring the line with an advantage, while Wales is currently managing to hold them off.

After 51 minutes, the referee inadvertently obstructs Ramos. Most of the players seem amused, except for the Welsh front row, who now have to reset for a scrum. This is happening just outside Wales’ 22, on the left side.

After 49 minutes, Assiratti is replaced by Dillon Lewis and the Wales scrum instantly appears more solid. They pass the ball along the line and Fickou delivers a powerful tackle, leaving Winnett winded. Williams attempts a cross-kick to find Wainwright, but fails to execute it perfectly. Costelow, seemingly using this as a strategy, makes another cross-kick that nearly connects with Dyer.

After 47 minutes, France made another forward pass. Bielle-Biarrey passed it to Depoortere, but he couldn’t catch up to it. This was yet another missed opportunity as players were gathering on the side.

In the 46th minute, France is in need of a comeback and is making progress in the midfield. Ramos advances towards the goal line and is able to find openings, but a forward pass is made. The accompanying players are not in sync with the ball carriers. As a result, Wales has possession near their own 22.

Wales made a brilliant attempt, starting with 12 phases and Williams taking advantage of the blind-side from the scrum 40 meters behind. They maintained a fast pace and Costelow executed a good offload to Williams. From there, they quickly recycled possession and Roberts managed to twist his body and touch down just short of the line. Costelow successfully converted the try.

After Costelow kicked high and Ramos dropped the ball while trying to catch it under pressure from Winnett, Wales gained field advantage in 41 minutes.

Is Wales capable of saving the situation or will France emerge victorious?

That was an enjoyable experience, with two attempts each. There were numerous mistakes in defense and a lot of bold moves in attack. It was a speedy and unstructured game. I have no complaints and hope for more of the same in the future.

After 40 minutes, France successfully gains ground in the scrum, allowing Ramos to take the ball with momentum. However, their support line is once again too eager and results in a forward pass. This concludes the first half of the match.

After being tackled, Fickou is called out for rolling on in order to avoid the jackal, resulting in Wales being given the opportunity to clear the ball and have a line-out near the halfway point. France should try to reduce the pace of the game, as they have been caught offside multiple times while advancing past the ball carrier.

After 37 minutes, Reffell impressively steals the ball from the ground while France’s midfield becomes disorganized. Both teams are playing loosely, leaving openings in their defensive line. Wales loses the ball and Le Gerrec quickly kicks it high, resulting in a chaotic exchange. The frantic sequence concludes as Costelow kicks the ball out of bounds.

At the 35-minute mark, Ramos executes a perfectly placed kick towards the corner. Wales will have possession with the throw-in just 5 meters from the try line. They successfully catch the ball and Wainwright cleverly passes to Williams who breaks through the defense and gains some open space. Wainwright tries to follow up but fumbles the return pass, causing a knock-on as he moves up the field. Overall, a commendable effort from Wales, especially considering the risk involved near their own try line.

In just 33 minutes, Le Gerrec skillfully passes the ball backhanded for 20 yards to Ramos, who then gives it to Depoortere. Depoortere speeds up and finds a gap, but is stopped by a tackle from Bielle-Biarrey. Bielle-Biarrey is so close to the goal line that he tries to make a last-ditch pass, but a group of Welsh defenders come in and push him out of bounds.

After 32 minutes, there is a break as Le Gerrec successfully executes a box-kick, sending the ball out of bounds. However, Wales is determined to keep the game moving and quickly pass the ball to Dyer. Unfortunately, Costelow’s attempted chip results in the ball going out of bounds.

Source: theguardian.com