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We must differentiate between shame and shaming in order to comprehend Trump | Correspondence
Culture Science

We must differentiate between shame and shaming in order to comprehend Trump | Correspondence

In his critique of David Keen’s book Shame, Charlie English fails to distinguish between the emotion of shame, which is the feeling of having done something wrong, and the act of shaming, which is a display of power aimed at humiliating someone. Donald Trump is not capable of feeling shame because he does not share the values of those who criticize him and believes he has not wronged anyone. Additionally, he has built a protective barrier around himself that deflects all forms of criticism. Instead, he seeks to humiliate those who disagree with him or have a different perspective on life.

Reworded: If we delve into Trump’s history, we may discover that he has experienced humiliation in the past. This could partially explain, though not justify, his anger, harsh language, and mistreatment of others. His current sense of being a victim of injustice and desire for retribution are common outcomes of feeling humiliated. He views his actions as completely justified and therefore does not feel any shame or need for it. He cannot be defeated by accusations of shamelessness or attempts to humiliate him, but rather through political action and being held accountable for his actions.
Phil Leask

Source: theguardian.com