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The reptile fossil, believed to be 280 million years old, was revealed to be a forgery.

The reptile fossil, believed to be 280 million years old, was revealed to be a forgery.

For decades, scientists who study fossils have been amazed by a 280 million-year-old preserved reptile called Tridentinosaurus antiquus. This species was found in the Italian Alps back in 1931.

Scientists initially thought this organism was extremely well-maintained, with possible remnants of skin that had been turned into carbon. However, recent scanning methods have uncovered that this highly-valued fossil is actually a carved object that was painted black.

Dr Valentina Rossi, from University College Cork, in Ireland, and her team used ultraviolet photography to look beneath the paint. Instead of finding the hoped-for soft tissues, they found an elaborate fake. Although exactly when it was made and who crafted it remains unknown, Tridentinosaurus joins a long list of fossil fakes, including the Piltdown Man and Archaeoraptor, to name just two. Ancient woodlice-like sea creatures known as trilobites were a particular favourite for faking, and natural history museums around the world are increasingly discovering counterfeits in their collections.

In a report published in the journal Palaeontology, Rossi and her team propose that the issue is expanding, as there is currently a significant demand for counterfeit fossils. While advancements in imaging technology are aiding in detecting these fake fossils, Rossi and her colleagues are advocating for stricter regulations to safeguard the integrity of the fossil record, such as prohibiting the practice of painting over fossils.

Source: theguardian.com