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Scientists from the United Kingdom are developing a bra with a built-in monitor to track breast cancer.

Scientists from the United Kingdom are developing a bra with a built-in monitor to track breast cancer.

Researchers are currently working on a tool that can be inserted into a bra to track the growth of breast cancer tumors.

Scientists are optimistic that the device will offer a novel, non-invasive approach for detecting tumor growth, which patients can easily utilize from the convenience of their own homes.

NTU’s medical technologies innovation facility is currently creating a device that will utilize an electrical current to examine and identify small variations in fluids both inside and outside of breast cells.

As a result of its higher density and lower water content, the device can effectively track and detect changes and growth in tumour tissue in real-time, with precision of up to 2mm.

The device has the potential to be inserted into a patient’s bra or integrated into a new bra design. It would gather data and transmit it to the wearer and their medical team through a smartphone. The creators have set a goal of conducting clinical trials for the device in the coming years.

Dr. Yang Wei, an expert in electronic textiles and engineering at NTU, stated that the technology would detect changes in breast tissue, potentially improving a patient’s survival rate. Breast cancer has a rapid growth rate and can increase in size by 1mm in six months or 2mm in six weeks. This technology could serve as an extra method for monitoring the tumor’s growth rate.

We are making strides in exploring a new method for detecting breast cancer that can be conducted in the convenience of a patient’s home. This will help conserve important resources in hospitals while still offering an effective way to identify early signs of cancer.

Based on research from Cancer Research, the UK experiences over 55,000 occurrences of breast cancer annually, resulting in over 11,000 fatalities. Roughly 23% of these new cases could have been prevented.

The device is expected to enhance the important task of tracking tumors, which can be challenging to accurately measure, especially for those smaller than 1cm. MRI scans may be spaced several months apart, allowing for potential growth to occur between appointments.

According to Dr. Simon Vincent, the Director of Research, Support, and Influencing at Breast Cancer Now, there is an urgent need for further research on improved methods of detecting and treating breast cancer.

The speaker expressed excitement for the potential of using this new technology to track the progression of breast cancer. However, it has not yet been tested on humans and further research is necessary before determining its applicability in medical environments.

People impacted by breast cancer can seek advice and assistance from the specialized nurses at Breast Cancer Now’s helpline, which can be reached at no cost by dialing 0808 800 6000.

Source: theguardian.com