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Revisiting: The Burden of the Planet - A Podcast on Climate Scientists Who Predicted the Crisis.
Environment Science

Revisiting: The Burden of the Planet – A Podcast on Climate Scientists Who Predicted the Crisis.

Science Weekly takes a closer look at the first episode of the 2023 mini-series created by Full Story.

Australian scientists Graeme Pearman, Lesley Hughes, and Ove Hoegh-Guldberg were among the first to recognize the impending climate crisis. Pearman predicted a rise in carbon dioxide levels, while Hughes foresaw a concerning number of species extinctions. Hoegh-Guldberg also predicted the current mass coral bleaching events. These three experts have since become highly respected in their fields, conducting research internationally, advising world leaders, and hoping for action to be taken after presenting their alarming discoveries.

In the first installment of this three-part series, these experts in climate change share the moment they recognized the impending disaster facing our planet. How did they react upon learning this information? What were their expectations for the world’s reaction? And now, reflecting on that moment of realization, what are their current emotions?

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Source: theguardian.com