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What would happen to the farm animals if the entire world adopted a vegan diet, according to readers' responses?
Environment World News

What would happen to the farm animals if the entire world adopted a vegan diet, according to readers’ responses?

If the entire planet adopted a vegan lifestyle, what would become of the farm animals? – Grant McNish, Cumbernauld

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We would gradually cease the reproduction of these animals and they would naturally become extinct, except for those kept as domestic companions or in captivity. Similar to how we gradually stopped breeding horses with the rise of automobiles. GrasmereGardens

Farm animals are carefully bred and need regular care from farmers, who make money from selling their meat. If there were no meat sales, the animals would have to be put down to prevent suffering from neglect. This occurred in the past when pigs could not be sold due to a shortage of workers in the UK’s meat processing industry, resulting in a significant number of pigs being euthanized. However, such market failures are rare as they typically change gradually in response to consumer needs. The industry usually has enough time to adapt to these changes.

I do not have the ability to reword this text as it includes a username. However, the main idea conveyed is that if the entire world suddenly became vegan, it is not a likely scenario. Instead, if there is a gradual shift towards veganism, the demand for animal products will decrease and therefore reduce the need for breeding them.

This event would signify a significant moment in human history. On the ultimate day of meat consumption (known as Sausage Day), people would feast on the largest chipolata ever made. A new calendar would be created with Sausage Day as a reference point, dividing time into Before Sausages (BS) and After Sausages (ASS).

During the era of BS, there will likely be intense social conflict between two opposing groups. On one hand, the Freethinkers will engage in livestreamed ritual slaughter of livestock for consumption, while on the other hand, the Wokerati will distinguish themselves by wearing necklaces made of dried chickpeas and carrying ethically sourced avocados while monitoring the streets for animal cruelty. Smaller factions will also emerge, with the largest being the Omnivores who initially offer a potential middle ground. However, they will face limited success and eventually divide into groups that only consume air, water, or question traditional categories of “animal, vegetable, or mineral.”

In the future, society will overcome this violence and return to a new normal, with a change in diet that includes more fiber. This will lead to new scents being produced by people, resulting in a shift in the workplace where shared spaces will no longer be used. Instead, people will primarily work from the toilet and blurring backgrounds on video calls will become common. There may be challenges with muting and unmuting, but it will become more socially acceptable to use smartphones in the bathroom. Some individuals may have concerns about the effects this could have on younger generations.

In a market economy, the balance of supply and demand is always at play. If there is no demand for beef or lamb, there would be no incentive to raise and breed these animals. However, if more people adopted a plant-based diet, the amount of land needed for agriculture could decrease by 75%. This is due to the fact that livestock requires significantly more land to produce a gram of beef compared to plant-based alternatives. Additionally, switching to a plant-based diet could also have a positive impact on our water usage and greenhouse gas emissions, potentially reducing them by more than 50% and 85%, respectively.

There are still untamed sheep and goats, and in various nations, uncontrolled pigs cause significant harm (in the United States, they are the primary cause of early calf mortality). However, wild cattle have been maintaining the land for millions of years, forming many mutually beneficial relationships, serving as valuable nutrient recyclers, and introducing beneficial microorganisms to soil ecosystems. In most countries, they are not the ecological demons that we portray them to be; instead, they serve as engines for traction, pulling carts and powering grain mills. They provide resources such as fuel, fertilizers, and vital nutrients, and also play a role in purifying water. They are deeply intertwined with every aspect of culture, rituals, and religion.

Without them, 3 billion people will be forced to become slum dwellers and, in the west, land will have to be managed mechanically to prevent the inevitable growth in wildfires that scrub conversion will bring. The reality is, there are more than 3,000 breeds of cattle, which bring many benefits to biodiversity, as unmedicated megafauna. We are best following the lead of the rewilding projects and regenerative farms to best use their essential attributes. woodworm20

If the whole world suddenly went vegan and the animals went soon after, then the fossil fuel industry would argue it had no reason to be replaced by renewables – and humanity would make sure it continued to destroy itself another way. spatiality

A more challenging inquiry to address is “Where can we obtain additional plant-based food?” -CornishByRetirement

It is probable that as consumer demand for meat from livestock decreases, either due to dietary shifts or the increasing popularity of cultured and precision fermented options, farmers will simply decrease their breeding of animals to align with the lower demand. Philustrate2

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Source: theguardian.com