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Weather tracking system reports flash floods in Oman and record-breaking temperatures in Western Australia.
Environment World News

Weather tracking system reports flash floods in Oman and record-breaking temperatures in Western Australia.

Unusually heavy rain fell in Oman and the United Arab Emirates on Monday, as strong storms and heavy rains moved in from the northeast. These two countries are typically very dry, with most areas receiving less than 100mm of rain each year. However, on Monday, reports showed that 50-100mm of rain fell across parts of eastern UAE and northern Oman, with the highest amount of 140mm in Dibba, a city on the border of Oman and the UAE. Some thunderstorms also brought hail, with a particularly intense shower in Abu Dhabi covering the streets in large hailstones, some of which were as big as golf balls.

Heavy rainfall caused widespread flooding in Oman, especially in the mountainous areas where flash flooding posed a significant danger. Emergency services rescued over 100 people, mostly from stranded vehicles, and sadly, four deaths were reported. Due to landslides on certain routes, three stages of the Tour of Oman cycling race had to be shortened. The UAE experienced less severe flooding, but some schools were closed and an official visit from Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi to Dubai was reduced in scale.

This week, the state of Western Australia experienced another round of extreme temperatures, with Perth setting a new record for the most consecutive days in February with temperatures above 40C. On Thursday, the temperature reached a high of 41.7C, making it the fifth consecutive day above 40C. This surpasses the previous record of four days, which had been achieved twice before in 1985 and 2016.

It is probable that this recent record will be surpassed by the end of the month. The Australian Bureau of Meteorology predicts that there will be intense heatwave conditions in most of Western Australia this weekend and into the following week. Temperatures are anticipated to reach the mid-40s and could reach a scorching 50C in some areas. In Perth, Sunday’s temperatures may hit 45C, which is nearly 15C higher than the average for this time of year.

A winter storm hit the north-east USA on Tuesday, bringing over a foot of snow to several regions. Central Park in New York City received 3.2 inches, marking the highest snowfall in two years. The storm caused thousands of flight cancellations and delays, and approximately 150,000 individuals in Pennsylvania lost power. Surprisingly, certain northern areas that were anticipating heavy snowfall ended up with very little due to the storm’s path shifting southward from initial predictions.

Source: theguardian.com