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"We are the experimental subjects": Concerns arise over air and water effects of Arizona mining project.
Environment World News

“We are the experimental subjects”: Concerns arise over air and water effects of Arizona mining project.

Growing up on both sides of the Arizona-Mexico border, Denise Moreno Ramírez got respite from the border town bustle by hiking through sycamore and juniper trees in the mountains near her home. These isolated mountains – known as the Sky Islands – provide a crucial habitat for native plants and animals, but also played a special role in Moreno Ramírez’s family history: like many in the area with Indigenous Yaqui or Mayo origins, her ancestors once mined the mountains for precious metals.

Moreno Ramírez’s great-grandfather, Alberto Moreno, dug for copper when he first came to Arizona from Mexico in the early 1900s. He found that the mining industry powered the state economy and put food on his table; eventually his son – Moreno Ramírez’s grandfather – followed suit and worked in the mines, too.

When Moreno Ramírez learned that a mining company from Australia, South32, intended to start a new manganese, zinc, lead, and silver mine in the same location where her family had previously worked, she was not taken aback.

“We, residents of the US-Mexico border, are accustomed to this,” she explained, referring to the cyclical nature of extractive industries in the biodiverse region.

However, this recent suggested mining site is concerning, as it is being rushed through by Biden in the name of achieving energy transition. This could potentially harm the fragile ecosystems of the Patagonia mountains, which have been in the process of restoration due to mine closures. “The Patagonia mountains are vital to the Sky Islands. If they are destroyed, many other things will also be lost,” stated Moreno Ramírez, an environmental scientist and postdoctoral fellow at the University of Arizona.

An increasing number of individuals in Arizona are expressing concerns that moving forward with the mine as scheduled may lead to the introduction of serious environmental inequalities.

The grasslands, woodlands, swamps and prairies of south-east Arizona’s Sky Islands are home to more than 100 species of large mammals: the greatest number north of Mexico. Residents from the borderlands area have long dealt with the health impacts of pollution linked with earlier industrial activity, including mining – from lupus to cancer. And in spite of it all, they have managed to preserve a patch of one of the most biodiverse, and imperiled, ecosystems in the world.

“According to Moreno Ramírez, biodiversity plays a crucial role in our overall well-being. However, our western mindset has resulted in a disconnect from this reality. Despite this, there are no technological solutions that can substitute for biodiversity.”

No existing standards

The recent surge in demand for lithium has been the center of focus as there are calls to shift towards using electricity for all purposes. However, the United States has identified another mineral, manganese, as a crucial element in increasing the production of batteries for electric vehicles.

Manganese has not been extracted in the United States since 1973. With a predicted increase in demand, the proposed mine in south-east Arizona is a key element in the Biden administration’s plans to establish a domestic supply of the mineral, which is widely available in the southwestern region of the US. The Fast-41 program, created in 2015, has expedited the project’s progress by streamlining the environmental review process for infrastructure investments over $200 million, including clean energy initiatives.

However, according to specialists, regulations for manganese in both state and federal levels are not keeping up. Inhaling high levels of this substance can lead to symptoms similar to Parkinson’s disease, including tremors, stiffness, and depression. Despite this, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has not established a limit for manganese in air quality standards. Instead, they advise that potential negative health effects may occur at concentrations of 0.05mg per cubic meter. The state of Arizona also lacks a legally mandated standard for this element.

Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) declares a maximum limit of 5mg per cubic meter and advises workers to not surpass 3mg per cubic meter during a five-minute work period. However, a research headed by expert Brad Racette on clinical manganese exposure has discovered that even significantly lower levels of this element can lead to negative impacts on health.

Racette’s researchers observed 600 individuals residing near a manganese smelter in South Africa and discovered that those exposed to ambient manganese levels of 0.00075-0.0026mg per cubic meter showed symptoms similar to Parkinson’s in terms of motor function.

According to Racette, it is crucial to minimize occupational and environmental exposure to manganese due to the uncertainty surrounding its safe levels. His main focus is ensuring the safety of workers and preventing potential aquifer contamination from the mine in south-east Arizona.

Experts have identified multiple potential hazards related to mining in this specific area of Arizona. The process of extraction may release more harmful metals like lead and zinc into the environment, which are present in the deposits that South32 wants to mine. C Loren Buck, a professor of biology at Northern Arizona University, shared this information.

According to Buck’s study, harmful particles of manganese and other toxic metals can be transported in the air up to a distance of 20km (12.5 miles). This can have a negative impact on both human and animal populations living in the affected area.

A northern cardinal and a gila woodpecker in Santa Cruz county, Arizona.

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A representative from South32 stated that the company employs “prudent occupational exposure guidelines and community recommendations for manganese”, but did not specify which standards.

Ignore the newsletter promotion.

I am not able to reword this as it contains specific information about a company and their air-quality permit. It mentions that South32 is a top producer of manganese, with mines in South Africa and Australia. The 185-page draft permit they submitted does not have a set limit for manganese dust, which has caused concern among residents. The Arizona department of environmental quality has mentioned that although there is no specific standard for manganese in the permit, any emissions from South32’s facility will be included in the overall requirements for particulate matter.

Similar to Racette, Moreno Ramírez is concerned about the workers in her hometown. She believes that jobs in mining and processing offered by South32 could be attractive, particularly for those from working-class backgrounds. She describes the current options for individuals without a college degree as limited to manual labor, law enforcement, or border patrol. Based on her investigations of superfund sites in Arizona, she has found that, as with past instances of environmental inequities, the effects of mining on the population of Santa Cruz county will disproportionately impact certain racial and socio-economic groups.

She stated that the workers in our community who are likely to suffer health consequences from their physical labor are the ones doing the difficult mining jobs.

‘Dewatering’ the mountain

Carolyn Schafer, along with other residents, has concerns about the potential pollution of the area’s water sources including streams, rivers, lakes, and aquifers caused by the mine. Schafer has been an active member of the Patagonia Area Resource Alliance (Para), an environmental organization based in Arizona, for more than ten years.

The regions near the potential manganese mine currently face a heightened chance of being affected by contamination from water flow. Based on the environmental justice assessment tool of the EPA, the areas within a 12-mile (20km) radius are classified within the 40th to 89th percentile for potential wastewater release.

Environmentalists are expressing concern about South32’s potential misuse of water during a prolonged dry spell. Based on a preliminary permit, the corporation intends to release up to 6.48 million gallons (24.5 million liters) per day of treated water from mining operations, including drainage, seepage, groundwater, and stormwater, into Harshaw Creek within the Santa Cruz region.

Removing groundwater in order to extract resources, also known as dewatering, is a concern for Arizona due to its vulnerability to the effects of the climate crisis.

Although most of Arizona is dry and suffering from severe drought, the Patagonia mountains are abundant in plant life that depends on underground water sources. Removing water from these sources is likely to worsen extreme conditions, as explained by Robert Proctor, who serves as the director of Friends of Sonoita Creek, a conservation organization in the area.

Proctor expressed his concerns over the fate of the water and the mountain, stating that the creeks he frequented in his youth have now disappeared. He concluded that the situation is chaotic.

Local organizations, such as Para, are taking legal measures to address two water permits granted by the Arizona department of environmental quality. One of these permits permits the company to release discharge into a stream that has already been deemed unhealthy for containing metals like lead by the agency itself. Additionally, they have taken legal action against the US Forest Service for neglecting to consider the collective impact of South32’s exploratory drilling at a nearby location, which could potentially harm endangered species like jaguars and ocelots with their proposed 24/7 activity.

Schafer stated that if mining is going to be imposed on us in a region known for its high biodiversity, it should be done with the most advanced scientific methods and continuously monitored.

Do you need a moment to reorganize?

Alida Cantor, a geography associate professor at Portland State University, focuses her research on the growing conflicts surrounding decarbonization. She believes that communities should be granted the autonomy to decline projects that they perceive as excessively damaging.

According to Cantor, there is ample opportunity to achieve a fair energy transition by promoting community ownership and implementing thorough community benefit agreements. Additionally, this shift presents a chance to reorganize and enact policies that prioritize public transportation and reduce reliance on personal vehicles; instead of simply replacing gas-powered cars with electric ones. Studies have demonstrated the potential for these alternatives to significantly decrease the demand for important minerals.

Cantor expressed the importance of reconsidering the current situation, stating that continuously sacrificing local communities in the pursuit of energy security or decarbonization is not a sustainable solution.

The approval of the South32 proposal, the first mining project to receive Fast-41 approval, may establish a standard for energy transition projects. There is optimism that this development can happen quickly and on a large scale to combat the climate emergency, while avoiding causing significant social and environmental issues. However, the situation in Arizona is still uncertain. In the previous month, South32 revealed a plan to invest more than $2 billion in developing a zinc-lead-silver deposit in the Patagonia mountains, indicating progress in the company’s plans.

Schafer stated that we are the experimental subjects for this in the entire country.

Source: theguardian.com