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The importance of the Guardian's coverage of climate and nature issues has never been greater.
Environment World News

The importance of the Guardian’s coverage of climate and nature issues has never been greater.

“We are being given a final warning.” “This is our last chance.” “These records are beyond belief.” “It’s absolutely insane.” “We are acting foolishly.”

In my role as the Guardian’s leader in environmental issues, I frequently peruse the writings of climate experts. They inform our journalists of the realities, clarify the scientific concepts, and caution us about the future. However, it can be disheartening when governments and businesses fail to take immediate and bold action, making it seem as though words are becoming ineffectual.

As members of the media, this is certainly worrisome. Our responsibility is to inform the public about current events and their significance. The scientific evidence regarding the climate and nature crisis is indisputable. The UN has cautioned that we are headed towards a catastrophic 3C increase in global temperatures, as the Cop28 UN climate summit commences this week. It is imperative that we cease the use of fossil fuels and halt destruction of the environment. However, we continue to hesitate and postpone action. Another approval for a fossil fuel project is granted. Another forest is cleared. More species are driven to extinction.

At the Guardian, we are dedicated to prioritizing our coverage of climate and nature in all aspects of our work. This has been our approach for a long time, as we give greater attention, visibility, and resources to reporting on the natural world than any other media outlet. In addition to reporting on the scientific aspects of the growing crisis, we also examine the influence of power dynamics and the political and corporate agendas that hinder progress. We also highlight the individuals who are actively working towards creating significant change.

This has motivated us to examine our own company more closely, including our decision to discontinue accepting advertisements from fossil fuel companies in 2020 and our efforts to decrease our greenhouse gas emissions. We are now releasing our initial biodiversity assessment, which evaluates our impact on the environment and ways to minimize it.

The Guardian acknowledges the connection between the climate crisis and the loss of nature. In recent times, our coverage of the devastating effects on plants, animals, and ecosystems has expanded, with dedicated reporters on this topic. We are also aware that those who are least responsible for the crisis are often the most affected, leading us to have reporters focused on issues of climate justice and finding solutions to reduce emissions while addressing inequalities.

Our team of specialized reporters has expanded globally, with members located in the UK, US, Australia, Brussels, and the Amazon rainforest. Over the past year, we have provided coverage on major climate and nature summits, as well as significant scientific studies. We have conducted investigations into the actions of pollutant elites, carbon offsetting, methane leaks, habitat destruction, and attacks on environmental activists. Our reporting has also included local efforts to grant individuals access to green spaces and monitoring the health of various species such as spiders, orcas, and Antarctic sea ice. We have brought attention to the tragic deaths caused by climate disasters, followed a groundbreaking climate lawsuit filed by young plaintiffs, and attended a deforestation meeting in the rainforest with a renowned Indigenous leader. Additionally, we have delved into the history of humankind’s detrimental relationship with nature, exposed those who impede progress for personal gain, and shared potential solutions.

This process requires both time and resources. Conducting an investigation can require several months of meticulous effort, safeguarding sources, studying data, and traveling to the forefront of a crisis to record the human consequences of choices that are typically made in isolated and clandestine corporate boardrooms. This work often involves teams of lawyers – a regrettable requirement when confronting some of the most influential and lucrative companies globally.

The support of our readers is the sole reason for making any of this achievable. The Guardian does not receive funding from any billionaires. Our distinct ownership structure ensures that we are not indebted to anyone, but it also means that we rely on your support.

We all have the ability and responsibility to do more. Therefore, we will continue to provide reports. One way you can contribute today is by supporting the Guardian’s journalism.

Source: theguardian.com