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The final whale hunter in Iceland – podcast.

Despite facing opposition from environmental activists, political influence, and worldwide agreement, Iceland continues to permit whale hunting, which is conducted by one company. The company, Hvalur, is owned by a man named Kristján Loftsson who is 80 years old and does not often speak to international media. However, he recently extended an invitation to Daniel Boffey, chief reporter for the Guardian, to visit.

According to Boffey’s conversation with Nosheen Iqbal, Loftsson is currently the only whaler in Iceland and his permit, which expires soon, may mark the end of his whaling career. The Icelandic parliament is currently discussing a new bill that would prohibit whaling.

Valgerður Árnadóttir, a well-known advocate, is among those advocating for a complete prohibition. She argues that, aside from her ethical concerns, whaling is not financially beneficial and negatively impacts Iceland’s global image, as well as its tourism and film sectors.

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Kristján Loftsson

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Source: theguardian.com