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The court heard that the Environment Agency was unsuccessful in safeguarding the River Wye from chicken waste.
Environment World News

The court heard that the Environment Agency was unsuccessful in safeguarding the River Wye from chicken waste.

A legal challenge claims that the Environment Agency and UK government did not properly safeguard the River Wye from severe deterioration caused by pollution from industrial chicken farming, leading to significant damage to the protected river.

Protesters, led by Feargal Sharkey, gathered outside the high court in Cardiff on Wednesday for the ongoing judicial review initiated by River Action. The group claims that a legal loophole is causing contamination of the Wye river due to the discharge of poultry waste from 25 million chickens in the surrounding area.

According to Charles Watson, the creator of River Action, the river’s condition is deteriorating due to a loophole. Natural England has downgraded its state to unfavorable because of the combination of pollution from agricultural runoff and nitrogen and phosphorus saturation in the land.

According to Watson, the catchment area in Europe has the most intensive livestock production. This area produces twenty-five million chickens, but we argue that the agency has not properly enforced regulations.

The Wye River has been heavily polluted due to the excessive dumping of manure, causing significant harm to the environment.

According to Watson, regulations for water use in agriculture prohibit farmers from using fertilizers or organic manures on their land at levels that exceed the land’s natural absorption capacity. However, there is a loophole in the law that allows farmers to follow these rules unless it is not feasible to do so.

According to Watson, the National Farmers Union has heavily influenced this outcome over the years. This large loophole has resulted in disastrous repercussions as the runoff from the concentrated livestock operations pollutes the Wye.

The authorities responsible for safeguarding this river have negligently neglected their duties. The priority of food production has completely overshadowed environmental protection.

The court hearing will take place in Cardiff over a period of two days.

According to legal filings from River Action, there is no disagreement that the Wye, a highly esteemed river in the UK, is facing an ecological crisis.

The campaign group stated that in recent times, the river has been negatively affected by algal blooms that deplete oxygen from the water and harm the native water crowfoot. This plant is an essential part of the river’s ecosystem and is protected.

It is widely accepted that the overgrowth of algae is primarily due to an abundance of nutrients, specifically nitrogen and phosphorus. It is a known fact that the main source of these nutrients is agricultural runoff.

The deputy president of the National Farmers Union, Tom Bradshaw, stated that while the NFU supports environmental protection, it is crucial for the Environment Agency and Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs to properly and fairly follow legislation.

The NFU has chosen to get involved in the legal dispute brought by River Action in order to protect the interests of our members in court regarding this important matter.

A representative from the Environment Agency stated that they have conducted over 7,000 inspections on farms and mandated over 11,400 improvements to be made, specifically along the River Wye. These improvements range from better slurry storage to improved nutrient management. The agency’s inspection process is aided by technology like satellite imagery and drone footage.

Those who violate environmental laws will face consequences, potentially including prosecution. We are not able to provide updates on current legal proceedings.

Source: theguardian.com