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"Take courage, maintain optimism, discover your community: three individuals fighting for climate action discuss tips for beginning your journey."
Climate Environment World News

“Take courage, maintain optimism, discover your community: three individuals fighting for climate action discuss tips for beginning your journey.”


Ally Giblin stated that her past self, while working in the corporate world, could never have envisioned herself publicly reclining as a mermaid with multiple colors to bring attention to the issue of plastic pollution in the world’s oceans.

In 2019, after living and working in London, Giblin, who was 40 years old and had a seven-year-old son, came back to Sydney. She was met with a city filled with ash and smoke due to the black summer bushfires.

All of a sudden, I was overcome with a strong desire to be more involved in climate activism.

Giblin believes that once one is faced with the truth of our climate and biodiversity emergency, it becomes hard to turn a blind eye.

She quickly moved on from her job as a fashion buyer and management consultant in the corporate world to seek a position that could combine both purpose and work.

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It may not be feasible for everyone to leave their job in order to follow their passion. However, there are various climate groups in Australia that cater to different age groups, professions, and demographics, allowing individuals to engage in activism through activities such as signing petitions, door-knocking, meeting with politicians, or participating in road blockades.

If you want to take action, this is the place to begin.

Find your tribe

In 2022, Giblin became a member of Parents for Climate, an organization that arranges gatherings for parents who share similar beliefs and advocates for causes such as contacting state and national legislators through letter writing.

One helpful initial step is to seek out a group that shares your values, according to her suggestion.

She states that there is a wide variety of groups available, and regardless of your identity, you can connect with others who share similar interests and values.

There are over 150 organizations on Climate Action Network Australia’s list that are actively involved in promoting climate action. A large number of these groups are open to having volunteers join their efforts.

These groups consist of doctors and veterinarians, surfers and divers, farmers and musicians, as well as individuals from various locations or religious backgrounds.

Sally Giblin dressed as a colourful mermaid next to Costa Georgiadis View image in fullscreen

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the numerous groups and the magnitude of the issue, Gilblin suggests diving into optimistic climate-related material like the Australian film 2040 and the Project Drawdown website.

She recommends making positive adjustments in fields that already ignite your passion or boost your confidence. For instance, if you have a love for food, begin by addressing the issue of food waste.

Consider transitioning to a new career or utilizing your existing skills in activism.

Although many individuals do not have to completely give up their professions in order to become more physically active, for some people, their job may pose the greatest challenge.

Annica Shoo, currently serving as a chief environmental investigator at the Australian Conservation Foundation, made the decision to resign from her position in the government sector due to a sense of powerlessness and potential involvement in questionable environmental actions.

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She stated that it was impossible to fulfill both her obligation to follow orders and her responsibility to be truthful, honest, and based on evidence. The reality is that Australia is a major location for species becoming extinct and we have not taken sufficient action to avert disastrous effects of climate change.

She suggests that there are various methods to add value without completely changing your career path.

“You may choose to make a donation, attend a protest, or sign a petition if possible. You could also consider volunteering one day per week. Another option is to report any wrongdoing (with proper legal guidance), or you could simply and passionately fulfill your responsibilities at your job.”

According to Giblin, it is beneficial to think about the skills you can apply from the workplace to the realm of climate, as different groups have diverse requirements.

“I regret not starting sooner.”

Jazmin Bingham, a 15-year-old Gomeroi woman, recalls that there were limited chances for activism in her hometown of Mount Gambier, located in regional South Australia.

She faced the negative perception that being involved in climate activism was seen as unusual. However, as a member of the Indigenous community, she was highly aware of the dangers posed to the natural world.

“I faced many personal challenges – being a First Nations individual, I grappled with my cultural identity. Culture is intertwined with the land, so when the land is unwell, the community suffers,” she explains.

As my interest and worries for the environment intensified, I realized that ignoring it was not a viable choice. I could either sit idly by and regret my inaction, or take a chance and attempt to make a difference.

Bingham established her own chapter of the Australian Youth Climate Coalition (AYCC) in her hometown and recently visited Canberra to hold meetings with 33 federal MPs over the course of two days, one of whom was Chris Bowen, the minister for climate change and energy.

Her recommendation for fellow youth or individuals interested in participating in climate activism is to be bold and step outside of their comfort zone to take action.

A major factor that motivates me is witnessing other young individuals demonstrate their determination and enthusiasm. It demonstrates that young people are eager to advocate for a fair and equitable future, and by actively participating, we can bring about tangible change.

“Join us at a rally, attend a meeting, or attend any other impromptu events.”

“Being a climate activist has been the greatest decision I have made in my life. In retrospect, I wish I had begun sooner.”

Source: theguardian.com