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No major North Sea nation is currently implementing a plan to cease drilling in time to meet the 1.5C target.
Climate Environment World News

No major North Sea nation is currently implementing a plan to cease drilling in time to meet the 1.5C target.

According to a report, none of the major companies involved in oil and gas production near the North Sea intend to cease drilling in a timely manner to achieve the 1.5C global heating goal.

According to Oil Change International, the countries of the UK, Germany, the Netherlands, Norway, and Denmark have not synchronized their oil and gas policies with their commitments to combat climate change as outlined in the Paris agreement.

According to Silje Ask Lundberg, co-author of the report for Oil Change International, governments in the North Sea region need to take prompt action. Neglecting these concerns not only undermines global climate targets, but also puts the livability of our planet at risk.

According to a recent report, Norway and the UK have strayed the farthest from the goals of the Paris climate agreement due to their aggressive pursuit of new oil and gas fields. The International Energy Agency has also stated that there is no space for further oil exploration in achieving global net zero emissions by 2021.

Tessa Khan, the creator of the environmental organization Uplift, stated that the UK is among a small group of nations contributing to a crisis with little to gain for the public. “The government is determined to exploit all resources in the North Sea, even though we are aware that we have already found more oil and gas than should be burned safely.”

An oil platform in the North SeaView image in fullscreen

The Netherlands was criticized for their plans to boost oil and gas production, while Germany is facing criticism for not implementing policies to shift away from these resources despite their minimal production levels.

The top-ranked country for its actions to reduce production in the last five years is Denmark. This is due to its decision to end oil and gas production and stop issuing new licenses by the government. Additionally, Denmark played a key role in establishing the Beyond Oil and Gas Alliance, a group of nations dedicated to phasing out these sources of fuel globally.

Activists have urged Denmark to eliminate exemptions that permit new permits in specific situations and to advance the final deadline from 2050 to the early 2030s.

The leader of climate policy at Greenpeace Denmark, Helene Hagel, praised the country for its efforts on an international level. However, she expressed concern that their domestic plans could harm their reputation. She stated, “Though we may be the best among those who are not meeting expectations, in order to truly align with the Paris Agreement, we must put an end to increasing production and gradually phase it out within a decade.”

The five countries bordering the North Sea have a significant role in contributing to global warming and possess higher financial resources to invest in renewable energy. They also frequently assert themselves as leaders at global climate conferences.

According to Truls Gulowsen, the leader of Norway’s branch of “Friends of the Earth” environmental organization, it was expected for Norway to be ranked last among the countries examined in the report. He expressed disappointment that despite having the resources for a smooth transition, the government is still pursuing fossil fuel exploration, which goes against the Paris agreement and our responsibility towards the climate.

The five countries’ oil and gas policies were evaluated using nine indicators in the report. These indicators included putting a halt to new developments, establishing a deadline for production, decreasing demand quickly, and guaranteeing a fair transition.

Campaign organizations are urging wealthy governments to accelerate their transition away from fossil fuels in order to allow developing countries more time to catch up. According to a study by the Civil Society Equity Review project, producers in the North Sea would need to decrease production by 80% by the end of the 2020s and rid themselves of all production by the early 2030s.

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The UK Department for Energy Security and Net Zero stated that they do not acknowledge the statements and anticipate a faster decrease in oil and gas production, even with new licenses, to meet the necessary rate for reaching the 1.5C objective.

The addition of gas and oil has resulted in the UK now being a net importer. Neglecting support for domestic production will increase our reliance on imports, which can have higher emissions and compromise our energy security, according to the source.

The climate ministry of Denmark announced that the country has set a date for ending oil and gas production, making them a leader in this effort. The government is collaborating with partners to raise global objectives and work together towards a controlled, equivalent to Paris Agreement, and fair elimination of oil and gas production.

The climate ministry of Germany stated that the production of oil within the country’s borders accounts for less than 2% of its overall demand, which is similar to its gas production. The decision to approve exploration and production falls under the jurisdiction of the individual states rather than the federal government. “As an example, the expansion of extraction is currently not allowed.”

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The Ministry of Energy in Norway stated that oil and gas remain essential for providing affordable energy to homes and businesses. They also emphasized the importance of low carbon emissions in the production process while this statement holds true. 2-emissionsā€.

The request for comment made to the Dutch climate ministry did not receive a response.

Source: theguardian.com