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I am interested in: Dave Eggers's favorite aspects of culture.
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I am interested in: Dave Eggers’s favorite aspects of culture.


Dave Eggers was born in Boston in 1970 and grew up in Illinois. He currently resides in San Francisco with his wife, the novelist Vendela Vida, and their two children. He has written numerous books for both adults and children, including The Circle, What Is the What, The Every, and The Eyes and the Impossible. Eggers also founded McSweeney’s, a non-profit independent publishing company, as well as two other non-profit organizations: 826 Valencia and ScholarMatch. These organizations aim to provide low-income youth with opportunities to write and pursue higher education without accumulating debt. His latest work, Soren’s Seventh Song, a picture book about a young humpback whale, will be released in the UK this month by Cameron Kids.

1. Exhibition

Kehinde Wiley, An Archaeology of Silence, de Young Museum, San Francisco

One of Kehinde Wiley’s paintings from his show An Archaeology of Silence.View image in fullscreen

The show is currently touring America, so make sure to see it whenever and wherever possible. When Wiley’s artwork was recently displayed at the de Young Museum in San Francisco, it exceeded anything else in the museum’s collection. This is not meant to criticize the de Young; it simply speaks to Wiley’s immense talent. Standing in front of one of Wiley’s large-scale paintings, with figures reaching 14 feet tall, is a truly immersive experience of rich, vibrant colors that hide layers of pain. The exhibit is curated with dramatic lighting, leaving viewers in the dark while the paintings are brilliantly lit, intensifying their hypnotic power and showcasing Wiley’s meticulous technique (it’s nearly impossible to find a single brushstroke!). Wiley is undoubtedly the most significant and captivating living painter, and this exhibition proves that point beyond doubt.

2. Activity

Whale watching

‘It shames us if we don’t go see them’: a whale in front of the Golden Gate Bridge.View image in fullscreen

If you find yourself in the vicinity of whales, I highly suggest taking the opportunity to observe them. I recently embarked on a whale-watching excursion towards the western side of the San Francisco Bay and within the first hour, we encountered around twelve gray whales and humpbacks. They were all actively breaching, spraying, and playing, appearing to seek attention and admiration. It would be a shame to not witness their presence up close and in such abundance. (If you do not reside near whales, an ocean, or have a dislike for oceans and marine mammals, please disregard the previous statement.)

3. Book

If this isn’t my dwelling, I am without a home – by Lorrie Moore.

Lorrie Moore poses for a portrait on a benchView image in fullscreen

This exceptional novel, possibly Moore’s finest work, primarily centers around two lovers – one of whom is deceased – embarking on a journey. What more could one ask for?

4. TV

I suggest that you watch the Netflix show “I Think You Should Leave With Tim Robinson.”

Tim Robinson seated at a desk raising both hands in thumbs-up gestures.

View the image in full screen mode.

I have watched each episode of this comedy series three times now. This could suggest that the show has complex depths, or it could be a sign of my obsessive tendencies that may require medication. Robinson’s expertise lies in creating characters with absurd ideas, such as distributing Al Capone-inspired hats and fake guns at a baby shower, and then persisting with these ideas despite their lack of sanity. Robinson brings to life America’s most uncompromising fools, which apparently fulfills a need in our society.

5. Exercise


San FranciscoView image in fullscreen

My spouse and I were invited to join out-of-town acquaintances at a hotel bar. We shared a single glass of wine and received a bill for $49. While San Francisco is notoriously pricey, this still felt like a major disturbance in the natural order. Moving forward, I plan to opt for more budget-friendly social gatherings, such as going for walks. Not only will this provide exercise and the opportunity to explore, but it will also help me save money.

6. Album

Feist: Multitudes

Leslie Feist on stage playing guitar.View image in fullscreen

As I write these recommendations, I’ve been listening to Feist’s recent album, which will be the final addition to this list. I always turn to her music like a thirsty person would run to a waterfall, but this album exceeds all expectations. She showcases her talents on both small and grand scales, from soft whispers to booming soundscapes. When we consider important Canadian artists – and who doesn’t? – Feist is at the top of the list.

Source: theguardian.com