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EU climate leaders have deemed the contents of the new Cop28 draft as completely unacceptable, according to live updates on the event.

Participants of Cop28, which is being held in Dubai, have shared their responses to the text.

Both individuals were in agreement that this marked the start of a potentially lengthy process. Hoekstra informed the media that his flight back was scheduled for Friday, emphasizing that there was still a significant amount of work to be done.

Ribera expressed that there are parts of the text that are entirely unacceptable. The goal is for 1.5C to be considered a safe threshold, and they will continue to advocate for this. While the current text mentions the science and 1.5C, it does not effectively address energy issues. There is a need for more in-depth conversations with various stakeholders, including the president.

Hoekstra stated that the current version of the text is unsatisfactory and we are still examining all aspects of it. However, there are a few positive aspects included.

Wopke Hoekstra addresses a crowd at Cop28

The Cop28 Global Stocktake suggests that reducing fossil fuel usage is a possible solution, rather than a mandatory one, and is referred to as a “reduction” instead of a “phase-out.” Input from China and the United States, the top emitters, has not been received yet, but it appears that there will be calls from other parties for a revised version.

Officials and leaders of delegations will have private discussions in Dubai tonight, likely involving additional talks. Before I leave, here is a recap of today’s events:

  • The latest version of the text released by the Cop28 presidency does not mention a gradual removal of fossil fuels.

  • in
    international decision-making

    Some island nations have expressed frustration over feeling unheard in global decision-making processes.

  • Many organizations in civil society have criticized the text for being insufficient.

  • respectively

    Azerbaijan and Brazil have been officially selected as the hosts for Cop29 and Cop30, respectively.

  • The country of Saudi Arabia has been accused of taking the talks as a hostage.

  • The Secretary General of the United Nations has called on delegates to put an end to the use of fossil fuels.

The upcoming day is expected to be the last, but it will be a remarkable occurrence if a consensus is reached prior to the designated conclusion.

Thank you for taking the time to read and leave your feedback. I look forward to seeing you back tomorrow.

The attendees of Cop28 in Dubai shared their thoughts on the text.

Both individuals made it clear that this marks the start of a potentially lengthy process. Hoekstra informed reporters that his flight back home was scheduled for Friday and hinted that there is still a significant amount of work to be done.

Ribera stated that there are certain aspects of the text that are completely unacceptable. The goal is for 1.5 degrees Celsius to be considered the safe limit. The focus will be on advocating for this limit. While the current text does mention some scientific evidence and the 1.5C goal, it is not aligned with addressing energy issues. It is necessary to engage in further discussions with various partners, including the president, in order to address this matter thoroughly.

According to Hoekstra, the current version of the text is disappointing. It is also quite long and we are still examining all of its components. However, there are a few positive aspects included.

Wopke Hoekstra addresses a crowd at Cop28

The request from Cop28 is for action to be taken.

The Cop28 report, specifically the part about fossil fuels and energy, discusses potential actions that could be implemented, rather than mandatory actions. One person referred to this approach as a “choose your own adventure” for climate action, and found it to be extremely disappointing.

Tom Evans, from the E3G thinktank, expressed disappointment with the current proposal, stating that it contains weaker suggestions and conflicting ideas. While it acknowledges the importance of limiting temperature rise to 1.5C, peaking emissions in 2025, and reducing emissions by 43% in 2030 and 60% by 2055, these goals cannot be achieved without specific actions. However, the current version lacks coherence as it offers a long list of energy options but fails to include a clear and definitive plan for phasing out fossil fuels. The previous draft did include such a plan.

“We need to see the countries that are truly advocating for ambitious actions come together and work towards removing and isolating those who are hindering the progress of this text,” Evans expressed. “We can only hope and pray.” Saudi Arabia has been identified as a major obstacle.

According to David Waskow of the World Resources Institute, this text lacks the necessary clarity to effectively address the climate crisis. The proposed actions are more like a customizable list rather than a cohesive strategy.

“It’s an approach to climate action where you get to make your own choices,” he explained. “However, you can’t simply select a few options from the list. The world must address all of these significant changes as a collective effort. We are aware that there are great advantages, both economically and for development, in doing so. The current draft text is truly disheartening.”

Jamal Srouji, who also works at WRI, noted that the language used in the text is less strong compared to earlier versions in terms of outlining clear timelines for achieving a three-fold increase in renewable energy and reducing coal use. Additionally, the details on ending subsidies for fossil fuels, which currently amount to $7 trillion per year, were lacking.

Alex Scott, of E3G, expressed disappointment with the lack of progress on addressing climate change adaptation, which is a critical concern for developing countries. He noted that previous drafts of the text included calls for a roadmap to double funding for adaptation, but these have since been removed.

“I am glad that it is not entirely biased.” – Third World Network

Many people have offered their opinions on a lengthy and intricate document, but the leader of the G77 plus China, a group representing 135 countries, and the African group have informed me that they are still processing the information.

According to Meena Raman, who is a veteran of law enforcement and an expert in climate policy from the Third World Network, she is relieved that the policy is not completely biased towards wealthier nations. She also believes that there will be a range of responses from both developing and developed countries. She stated:

“The statement suggests that the president is attempting to maintain a sense of equilibrium by incorporating both the proposals put forth by the G77 and the demands of developed countries. It is uncertain how the parties involved will respond, as pleasing everyone in negotiations is often impossible. However, I am somewhat relieved to see that there is not a complete bias in the text. The section on finance appears to be more assertive, but there are also global objectives advocated by the EU. Notably, the text includes discussions on consumption and production for the first time, which is noteworthy considering previous statements made by George Bush regarding the non-negotiability of the American lifestyle.”

Raman, who will be in attendance for the countries’ response tonight, shared a helpful tip with me: “This is not the final version, changes may still occur.”

The United Nations has officially selected Brazil as the location for the 30th conference of the parties to discuss the framework convention on climate change.

The city of Belém will host Cop30 from November 10 to 21, 2025. This will mark the first time that Cop will be held in the Amazon rainforest, providing a chance to prioritize nature in the climate discussion rather than having it overshadowed by energy, technology, and markets.

Marina Silva, the Minister of the Environment and Climate Change in Brazil, stated:

“The Amazon, with its rich diversity of species and expansive land, faces the threat of climate change. However, it also serves as a model for navigating these challenges and highlights the interconnectedness of the three Rio conventions. Choosing to hold Cop30 in the heart of the forest serves as a powerful reminder of our duty to work towards the 1.5C goal and protect our planet.”

Marina Silva smiling in front of a green background

Prior to that, there will be Cop29, taking place in Azerbaijan. This will mark the third consecutive conference to be hosted by a petrostate.

Source: theguardian.com