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During the summit, the president emphasized that failure is not an acceptable outcome. This was highlighted throughout the event.

In Dubai, efforts are being made to reach a compromise amidst strong differences regarding the direction of climate initiatives.

He stated that everyone’s voice would be heard and stressed the importance of inclusivity in this process, as he has consistently done. He reiterated that each individual’s experience and country’s unique circumstances will be given weight and not disregarded. He reassured that no one will be ignored and that all issues and views, regardless of region or country, will be taken seriously. He made a promise that every voice will be listened to.

This aligns with what we have heard from developing countries during this Cop, as they have commended the presidency for actively listening to their concerns.

COP28 President Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber speaks to journalists during the 2023 United Nations Climate Change Conference in Dubai, UAE, 10 December 2023.

A large number of people remain dissatisfied with the lack of focus on adaptation, which they see as a crucial aspect in addressing the devastating effects of the climate emergency. They believe that the current language regarding adaptation is inadequate.

The issue surrounding the gradual elimination or reduction of fossil fuels remains unresolved. Al Jaber urged nations to shift their approach to reach compromises.

He reflected on the successful start of the negotiations, highlighting the agreement reached on the first day to establish a fund for loss and damage in impoverished and vulnerable nations. He urged all parties to maintain the positive, welcoming, and determined attitude that characterized the beginning of the talks. This same spirit must be reinforced at this crucial moment. He emphasized the importance of using scientific evidence to guide and equip decisions, with the ultimate goal of keeping the 1.5 degree target achievable. This will have long-lasting effects on economies for future generations.

He urged all parties to engage in constructive discussions and to demonstrate flexibility.

At a press conference on Sunday afternoon, the current Cop president emphasized the significance of addressing fossil fuels. The negotiations are set to conclude at 11am on Tuesday and the presidency has assured the release of a revised text on Monday morning. In preparation for this, all parties are being brought together to reach a consensus on crucial matters, including the reduction or gradual elimination of fossil fuels.

“I am not surprised by any of this,” he informed reporters. “This is the typical process that we follow. Ultimately, it comes down to the realization that all parties must reach a consensus in order for us to achieve the greatest level of success. This requires flexibility and a willingness to compromise, and I am confident that we can overcome these challenges.”

However, he cautioned that while compromise may be required, it should not result in a decrease in ambition. “We cannot afford to fail or make little progress, or diminish our ambition. I have repeatedly emphasized this message in the past, including yesterday and I will continue to do so today. Failure is not an option. Our goal is the greater good and what is best for all individuals and communities. My main priority remains on the scientific evidence and maintaining the goal of limiting global temperature rise to 1.5 degrees Celsius.”

He eagerly anticipated reaching an agreement, displaying a level of hope and positivity that has rarely been seen in past Cop presidents at this point in the process. “I urge everyone to contribute and help us achieve our goal, so we can celebrate our greatest level of ambition yet.”

The deadline for Cop28 is quickly approaching.

She called out Saudi Arabia and its allies, as well as naming the US, China, the EU and India, for hiding in the shadows. She urged the countries, and Cop28 president Sultan Al Jaber, to deliver the right legacy at Cop28, including an agreement to “phase out all fossil fuels”, seen as the critical test of success.

Last week at Cop28, there was a commotion following the Guardian’s disclosure of Al Jaber’s heated reactions to Robinson’s inquiries about phasing out fossil fuels during an online event preceding Cop28.

On Sunday, Robinson, who previously served as a UN representative for climate change, sent a message to the Guardian expressing her thoughts.

The participants at the Cop28 negotiations hold the responsibility for shaping our collective future. Their results will have a lasting impact for years to come. Sadly, it seems that Cop28 is not doing enough to keep global warming within the 1.5C limit. Scientific evidence warns us that we are in serious danger of leaving behind a world that is uninhabitable for future generations.

Some nations have the ability to make sure that this summit is remembered for positive reasons. It is crucial for them to act boldly and swiftly. The upcoming Cop28 event gives leaders a chance to align themselves with the favorable course of history.

Countries impeding a sustainable future must forsake their deceit. The nations impeding development are those with the most invested in fossil fuels, yet also have the most abundant resources to take action. Saudi Arabia and its allies are holding negotiations hostage. However, they are not the only countries hindering progress: the USA, China, the EU, and India have also been content to stay hidden in the shadows.

There is still time for these countries to step up with the courageous leadership required to tackle this existential threat. Governments must not leave this summit without an agreement to phase out all fossil fuels and this agreement must not be at the expense of other critical workstreams here. Cop28 will leave a legacy that those here in Dubai will be remembered for: I call on all [countries] and the Cop Presidency to make sure it is the right one.”

Former Irish President Mary Robinson speaks at the COP28 U.N. Climate Summit, Saturday, Dec. 9, 2023, in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

During the virtual gathering on November 21, Al Jaber expressed to Robinson that there is no evidence supporting the idea that eliminating fossil fuels will lead to achieving a 1.5C temperature goal. He also challenged the notion of a fossil fuel phase-out plan that would still allow for sustainable economic progress, unless one desires to regress back to primitive living. These statements were met with strong opposition from experts and deemed as almost denying the existence of climate change.

During a sudden press meeting on Monday, Al Jaber felt compelled to clarify his stance: “I have repeatedly stated that the reduction and eventual elimination of fossil fuels is unavoidable. In fact, it is crucial.” He also expressed admiration for Mary Robinson, saying “I hold great respect for her.”

The pair met on Saturday. Robinson’s post on X said “they agreed on there being no time to waste delivering an ambitious outcome” and reiterated her call for countries at Cop28 “to unequivocally commit to phasing out all fossil fuels”. An official Cop28 post said Al Jaber had sought from Robinson “guidance and counsel on convening diverse voices to find solutions to shared problems”.

Al Jaber, the president of Cop28, is located at the center.

The opportunity for observation is noteworthy. Jones shares numerous interesting facts, including an impressive action taken by Colombia that brings the year 2030 into the conversation. This is a refreshing departure from the strategy of other nations to delay decisions until 2050.

Using her nine years of experience as a COP observer, Jones anticipates that the discussions will continue beyond the expected end date of Tuesday and likely stretch into Wednesday and potentially Thursday. This means my plans for the week will have to be adjusted.

I strongly suggest reading the entire conversation.

to Argentine media.

From swathes of the Chaco dry forest – South America’s second largest – to the disappearing glaciers of the Andes, Argentina is home to numerous environmental wonders. My colleague Sylvia Colombo reports, they and Argentina’s indigenous communities face growing threats under new leadership.

Dubai is striving to reach a mutual understanding despite significant differences in opinions regarding the direction of climate efforts.

He stressed that it is vital for this process to be inclusive and that everyone’s input and unique situations will be valued. No individual or issue will be overlooked or disregarded. He reiterated that all perspectives, regardless of region or country, will be given equal consideration and promised that everyone will have the opportunity to be heard.

This aligns with the feedback we have received from developing countries during this Cop, where they have commended the presidency for actively listening to their perspectives.

COP28 President Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber speaks to journalists during the 2023 United Nations Climate Change Conference in Dubai, UAE, 10 December 2023.

Numerous individuals remain dissatisfied with the lack of emphasis on adaptation, a crucial concern as they confront the catastrophic effects of the climate emergency. They believe that the current discourse on adaptation is insufficient.

The issue of reducing or eliminating the use of fossil fuels remains unsettled. Al Jaber urged nations to find compromises and make a shift in approach.

He reflected on the highly successful beginning of the discussions, during which an agreement was reached on the first day to establish a fund for countries that are impoverished and vulnerable to loss and damage. He urged all parties to maintain a positive, open-minded, tolerant, accepting, motivated, and action-oriented attitude. This same mindset is crucial for us to double down on at this stage. He reminded everyone that we have a unique chance to achieve a result that is guided and supported by scientific evidence, with the goal of keeping 1.5 degrees within reach. This will have a transformative impact on economies for future generations.

He urged all parties to engage in constructive discussions and to demonstrate flexibility.

During a short media appearance on Sunday afternoon, the Cop presidency emphasized their focus on addressing the use of fossil fuels. The negotiations are set to conclude on Tuesday at 11am, and in preparation for this, the presidency has pledged to present a revised text on Monday morning. They are currently gathering all parties to come to a compromise on important matters, such as the gradual reduction or replacement of fossil fuels.

He informed reporters that there were no unexpected developments. This is the standard process that is typically followed. Ultimately, the key requirement is for all parties to acknowledge that achieving the greatest ambition requires flexibility and willingness to compromise. It is important for all parties to recognize this and work together to resolve any issues. He expressed confidence in being able to address these matters.

However, he cautioned that while compromise may be needed, it should not result in a decrease of ambition. He emphasized that failure, lack of progress, or diminishing ambition is not acceptable. This message has been communicated numerous times in the past and was reiterated yesterday and will continue to be reiterated today. Failure is not an option. The ultimate goal is the greater good and what is best for all individuals and communities. His main priority is to stay focused on science and preserving the goal of limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius.

He eagerly anticipated reaching an agreement, displaying a level of hope and confidence uncommon among past Cop presidents at this point in the process. “I urge everyone to contribute to our success and celebrate achieving the greatest level of ambition yet.”

Carbon Tracker.

Last month, Jillian Ambrose, The Guardian’s energy correspondent, reported on Azerbaijan’s involvement in a conflict that is financially supported by fossil fuels.

The methods employed by the United Nations are often enigmatic, but it is difficult to believe that there was not a more reliable candidate to handle the delicate state of the world’s climate.

According to campaigners, BP’s projects have contributed to financing the aggressive actions of the Azerbaijani military.

The current negotiating text is based on an outdated measurement of 1.1 degrees Celsius for the global warming caused by human activity up to this point. However, according to Richard Betts from the UK Met Office, the accurate figure is closer to 1.3 degrees Celsius.

According to him, this is significant, as he stated to The Guardian: “It is crucial because it demonstrates that we are approaching the 1.5C mark. This means that the need for both reducing emissions and adapting to the changing climate is even more pressing.” The Paris Agreement has set a limit of 1.5C in order to prevent the severe consequences of the climate crisis.

The most recent report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change shows that global heating has caused a temperature rise of 1.1C. This figure is an average for the period from 2011 to 2020, which effectively represents 2015.

However, despite this increase, emissions and global warming have still risen since 2020. According to a recent study by Betts and his team, the current rise in temperature caused by human activity is 1.3 degrees Celsius.

This evaluation is derived from the mean of a 20-year period: the 10-year span leading up to 2023 and the estimated temperatures for the following decade until 2032. According to Betts, this 20-year approach aligns with the IPCC’s current methodology for forecasting future temperatures.


The speaker cautioned that agriculture will face major challenges at a temperature increase of 1.5 degrees Celsius, which will likely be more difficult than the current situation. The most difficult years in terms of climate for farming in the past will be considered the most favorable in the future, which is a troubling realization. It is imperative that we take all necessary measures to mitigate global warming.

The increase in temperature will have an impact on all aspects of food production, according to his warning. He cautioned that heat can affect the entire growth cycle of a plant, from germination to ripening, as well as the timing of its development.

Farmers harvest peanut at Bani Hara agricultural field in district of El-Haouaria in Tunisia.

He stated that further investigation is necessary to improve the resilience of food crops against severe weather conditions. He also mentioned that there has been a lack of progress in agricultural research and development in many countries. Instead of relying on small improvements in productivity, he believes a new approach is needed.

According to him, there has been a decrease in agricultural productivity in certain parts of Africa, while globally it is increasing at a rate of approximately 1.14% per year. However, to adequately meet the demands for food by 2050, this rate would need to be increased to 1.91% per year.

Fowler has expressed great concern over inadequate diets. In certain regions of Africa, approximately one-third of children experience stunted growth, leading to significant challenges in their mental development and the well-being of their countries. The key to combatting childhood stunting lies in promoting a diverse and varied diet. This means not only increasing caloric intake for children, but also incorporating a range of food groups, including fruits, vegetables, and starchy staples.

He expressed the importance of making a difference in this particular place.


After being put into action, prominent polluting countries like the UK and Saudi Arabia will have the option to buy carbon credits from nations with significant carbon-absorbing areas like Brazil and Indonesia in order to fulfill their own obligations to reduce global warming. However, there are worries that if lenient regulations are established, the system could produce useless credits, ultimately hindering attempts to address the climate emergency.

A recent article was released on cross-border trading of emissions, in accordance with Article 6.2 of the Paris agreement. The updated version no longer addresses the confidentiality of carbon transactions, causing widespread worry as governments are not required to disclose the details of their agreements.

Erika Lennon, a lawyer at the Center for International Environmental Law, stated:

“Despite a year of scandals revealing extensive mishandling and deceit in the carbon market, it appears that negotiators have not gained any insights. The current plans for carbon trading being discussed lack proper supervision and transparency. Approving these plans would only benefit unethical traders and result in significant harm to both individuals and the environment.”

According to Gilles Dufrasne, who leads policy at Carbon Market Watch,

Article 6.2 is approaching the status of a mysterious entity. In order to bring transparency to carbon trading, it is necessary to establish clear boundaries for confidentiality agreements, implement consequences for non-compliant countries, and set safeguards against countries that may want to retract from authorized activities. The current version of the text does not address any of these points.

According to Catalina Gonda, a Climate Policy Analyst,

“The choices made by nations during COP28 regarding carbon market regulations will greatly impact the environment and local communities. While there is a strong desire to implement Article 6.2, it should not be done at the expense of compromising sturdy guidelines. The current text undermines the goals of the Paris Agreement and puts transparency and accountability at risk.”

Joab Okanda, a climate expert at Christian Aid in Kenya, also had harsh criticism.

Reworded: The current rules of the UNFCCC carbon market are as useless as a blank sheet of paper. This is a mockery to the people in Africa who are at risk of losing their homes and land. If the negotiations end in this manner, it will be challenging to resist the actions of carbon colonialists.

Source: theguardian.com