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Dragons, sea toads and the longest creature ever seen found on undersea peaks off South America
Environment Science World News

Dragons, sea toads and the longest creature ever seen found on undersea peaks off South America

Squat lobsters, bright red sea toads and deep-sea dragon fish were among more than 160 species never previously seen in the region that were spotted on a recent expedition exploring an underwater mountain range off the coast of South America. Researchers from the California-based Schmidt Ocean Institute believe that at least 50 of those species are likely to be new to science.

A Chaunax (member of the sea toad family) found to the south of Rapa Nui, near the western end of the Salas y GĂłmez ridgeView image in fullscreen

Underwater mountain ranges are oases of life and biodiversity, where communities of different organisms band together: some creatures make the most of the elevation and unique currents that the peaks provide, while others find refuge in the nooks and crannies of the rocky slopes to build intricate structures.

Erin Easton, of the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, was the chief scientist on the 40-day research voyage along the Salas y Gómez ridge, which spans the waters from Chile to Rapa Nui, also known as Easter Island. “We’re still astounded by what we observed,” she says.

Soldierfish gather on the summit of an underwater seamountView image in fullscreen
A Coronaster starfish on the south-western flank of Rapa NuiView image in fullscreen
A deep-sea dragon fishView image in fullscreen
A Diadema sea urchinView image in fullscreen

As Easton’s research team collected data on 10 peaks along the 2,900km range of 110 seamounts, they spotted unique communities on each one. Species included sea toads among the various fish, crustaceans such as pale squat lobsters, molluscs, “gardens” of glass sponges, deep-water coral reefs, galaxy siphonophores – giant thread-like creatures that use bioluminescence to hunt and may be the longest animal ever recorded.

A galaxy siphonophoreView image in fullscreen

As these seamounts sit in an area of ocean where the water is so clear that the sun’s beams penetrate further into the water than anywhere else in the world, the scientists also found some of the deepest-known organisms that depend on photosynthesis.

They found a species of photosynthetic wrinkle coral (Leptoseris) 197 metres below the surface – 25 metres deeper than previously recorded – as well as crustose coralline algae at 350 metres.

The deepest-known photosynthesis-dependent wrinkle coral (Leptoseris)View image in fullscreen
A hydroid recorded on the northern side of Rapa NuiView image in fullscreen
A Chrysogorgia coral and squat lobster on the northern flank of Motu Motiro Hiva.View image in fullscreen

“Pinks and magentas and light greens and dark green – and then you start seeing some oranges mixed in there too. It’s beautiful,” says Easton.

“It’s like you are driving a car down a dark road at night with the headlights on and all you can see is what is in front of you. The fact that we discovered so much, without even looking off to the side, [means] we clearly are missing so much more.”

A squat lobster among primnoid coral partially overgrown with two species of zoanthid coralView image in fullscreen

Source: theguardian.com