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Environment World News

Disregard Cop – taking action at a local level for climate change can yield more concrete outcomes | Correspondence

The conclusion of Cop28 was disheartening, as it once again failed to make significant progress on reducing our reliance on fossil fuels. Instead, it made a weakened plea for countries to transition away from them, rather than completely phasing them out (Report, 14 December). I am disappointed and disheartened by our government’s lack of understanding of the urgent need to address the climate crisis. Their repeated reluctance to commit to net zero targets and effective carbon-reduction efforts only adds to this frustration.

Despite the government’s opposition to renewable energy over the past ten years, numerous communities across the nation have joined forces to construct environmentally-friendly projects in their own neighborhoods. Community Energy England reports that there are approximately 500 community organizations throughout the UK that have implemented solar panel systems in schools, implemented street insulation programs, and offered free guidance to those struggling with high energy costs.

I fully endorse the concept of the local community owning and operating energy generation for their own benefit. I believe this approach will lead to tangible steps towards reducing carbon emissions, and is more practical than the empty promises often made at conferences.

There are two community energy co-ops in Brighton: Brighton Energy Co-op and BHESCo. I show my support by investing whatever I can, as it aligns with my goal of promoting local net zero initiatives. If you’re unfamiliar with community energy, I urge you to explore what’s happening in your area and consider getting involved. Your contribution will have a more concrete impact than the latest Cop.
Annette Gorst-Unsworth
Brighton, East Sussex

Source: theguardian.com