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A Youth's Rural Journal: What was the source of the barking heard in the nocturnal woods?| Eilidh
Environment World News

A Youth’s Rural Journal: What was the source of the barking heard in the nocturnal woods?| Eilidh


On my birthday, I went into the woods with a plate of fruit, scrambled eggs, cat food, and peanut butter on toast. I needed a strong-smelling bait for my new trail camera. We set up the food and camera near a small tree in a dense part of the woods and then quickly went back home as it was getting dark.

That evening, I listened to the sound of muntjac deer barking and felt a sense of hope. The following day, as we searched for the same location, we retrieved the camera. The food had disappeared – hurriedly, we returned home to review the recording, where I was pleasantly surprised by a flash of ginger. Was it a fox, perhaps? Suddenly, my ravenous cat Jaffa emerged and snatched some food before strutting away. A sinking feeling washed over me. Had Jaffa consumed all of the food?

Later, another animal appeared on the screen after another visit from Jaffa – a muntjac deer with sharp horns, who nervously nibbled on fruit. A few hours passed and two foxes appeared, initially cautious but gradually moving closer. One fox even took a piece of toast and appeared to enjoy it.

The two foxes caught fighting on Eilidh’s trail camera.View image in fullscreen

After eating the toast, the foxes began to engage with each other. They playfully swiped at each other before standing on their hind legs and performing a tango – it was all in good fun! By standing tall and showing their teeth, they were trying to assert their dominance. I was amazed to see this behavior and debated on what to leave in the woods for the evening. Just then, Jaffa appeared, anticipating dinner.

Eilidh, 13

Could you please read Alice’s piece, titled “The Day I Embraced My Inner Garlic”? It was published today on YCD and is about a personal transformation.

Source: theguardian.com