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A study has discovered that exposure to commonly used insecticides can lead to a decrease in sperm concentration.

New research in the United States has shown that exposure to commonly used insecticides can potentially decrease sperm concentration and significantly impact male fertility.

The paper from George Mason University examined research from the past 50 years in order to determine if there is a connection between exposure to organophosphates and carbamate-based pesticides and lower sperm concentration.

The combined studies analyzed approximately 1,800 male individuals and demonstrated a significant correlation, according to co-author Melissa Perry, who is the dean of George Mason College of Public Health.

According to the findings of this meta-analysis, there is evidence that insecticide exposure is affecting sperm concentration. The main takeaway from this is that we must decrease insecticide exposure to ensure that men who are trying to have a family or conceive children are not hindered in their efforts.

The results were discovered during a time of increasing worry about the decrease in sperm concentration and quality worldwide. According to recent studies, sperm concentration has dropped by approximately 50% in the past five decades. Perry suggested that insecticides could be a factor in this decline.

Approximately 15 million pounds of organophosphates are applied to American farmland every year, and this chemical compound has been associated with cancer. Exposure to it during pregnancy has been linked to neurodevelopmental disorders such as ADHD and autism. Additionally, this insecticide is frequently utilized on lawns and in indoor settings.

The Environmental Protection Agency stated that it would expedite the implementation of new regulations for certain types of organophosphates due to their higher level of toxicity than previously believed. Carbamates are also used in a similar manner and are considered neurotoxins, as they interfere with an enzyme responsible for controlling nerve signals in insects.

Perry stated that these items are designed to cause death and have inherent biological activity, which can affect larger living beings.

According to her, the substances seem to disrupt the body’s hormone production, potentially affecting the quantity and regularity of sperm production. They may also harm testicular cells and interfere with brain signals related to reproduction.

The group at greatest risk for exposure is agricultural workers, although approximately 33% of the participants in the studies were exposed mainly through food or other environmental means, according to Perry. She noted that while the data showed a strong correlation among those with occupational exposure, this could be due to a lack of studies on environmental exposure.

Advocates for public health are putting more pressure on the EPA to implement stricter guidelines for chemicals, or completely prohibit their use. Perry advised that the most effective way for individuals to safeguard themselves is to be aware of which foods usually contain elevated amounts of pesticide residues.

However, she noted that it should not be the responsibility of each individual to address this issue.

Perry suggested that we acknowledge the impact of insecticide exposure on public health and focus on developing policies that address this health concern.

Source: theguardian.com