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A protester in Dover who owns a tractor claims that farmers may organize additional protests.
Environment World News

A protester in Dover who owns a tractor claims that farmers may organize additional protests.

The individual who arranged the demonstration, where farmers drove tractors causing traffic congestion near the Port of Dover, has stated that there may be additional protests to come.

The go-slow protest on Friday evening caused disruptions to road traffic entering and leaving the town of Kent.

Protests by farmers have been occurring throughout Europe for several months, in nations including Greece, Germany, Portugal, Poland, and France. The French government was caught off guard by a motorway blockade in Paris.

According to Jeff Gibson, a farmer from Wingham in Kent, European farmers have demonstrated what can be achieved and he hopes the government will start paying attention, as stated on BBC Radio 4’s Today programme.

According to him, farmers are facing increased challenges due to Brexit. He explained that a protest involving 30 tractors was organized yesterday and there are many UK farmers who are currently upset and dissatisfied. Therefore, the situation could quickly escalate.

“As British farmers, we excel at discussing our grievances in pubs and remaining silent instead of taking action like our European counterparts. However, it has reached a critical juncture where our voices must be heard.”

Before the protest, Gibson shared on Facebook that it was in opposition to inexpensive imports and the government’s program for promoting sustainable agriculture (SFI).

The author expressed frustration with the current state of affairs, questioning why British farmers are held to high standards while the government makes trade deals with countries that have lower standards and produce cheaper food. They also criticized supermarkets for selling British produce at prices lower than the cost of production.

It is time to make a decision. If farming continues in its current state in this country, with the new SFI scheme promoting a decrease in food production and reliance on inexpensive imports, we will not survive when the government shifts its approach and we are not prepared to cultivate crops.

A representative from the Kent police stated that they received a call at 5pm on Friday, February 9 regarding slow-moving vehicles on Jubilee Way in Dover. Police officers are currently present and collaborating with the Port of Dover police regarding this issue.

The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs spokesperson stated that they fully support farmers. They believe that British farming plays a crucial role in British trade and prioritize it in any negotiations, focusing on increasing export opportunities and safeguarding UK food standards.

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We are exploring methods to enhance equity and assist British farmers and growers, while also guaranteeing that customers have access to top-notch, fresh British goods.

In the past few years, farmers in western Europe have fiercely opposed environmental protection policies, arguing that they are costly.

Last month, farmers in Germany used tractors to block city centers, highways, and motorway slip roads in a week-long protest against proposed cuts to agricultural subsidies. The government warned that these subsidies could be taken advantage of by right-wing extremists.

Source: theguardian.com