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Revised: England wins over Italy with a score of 48-0 in the Women's Six Nations 2024 event. Here's a recap of the game's events.
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Revised: England wins over Italy with a score of 48-0 in the Women’s Six Nations 2024 event. Here’s a recap of the game’s events.

Although not flawless, England’s performance was commanding. The team is on course to defend their Six Nations title, with John Mitchell’s leadership now underway.

This is the report from Sarah Rendell about a strange yet overwhelming victory.

Next up is Marlie Packer, the centurion.

I am feeling extremely confident. Our intention was to relax and have fun. Unfortunately, we faced some minor mistakes that hindered our performance. When we attempted to let go of our inhibitions, it did not turn out as we had hoped. Nevertheless, this was just the first game of the tournament. We will address our issues and bounce back even stronger in our match against Wales next week.

I would like to express my gratitude to my friends and family. Large numbers of people have gathered to support me, which has made this moment even more meaningful. I am also grateful for everyone who has been a part of my rugby journey. Every person who has contributed has a permanent place in my heart, and it is an honor to have reached this milestone of 100 times wearing this shirt.

Could she share three words describing a young Marlie Packer? Stay positive and continue your efforts. My apologies, that exceeds three words. Counting is not my strong suit!

Moving on to the topic of Ellie Kildunne, she is now present.

During our training session yesterday, there was a gentle breeze that made us a little apprehensive. However, on the actual day of the event, the sun was out and the track was perfect for running, which I thoroughly enjoyed.

The success of her performance reflects well on all of the girls. We discussed our individual desires and I requested confidence. The girls graciously provided this for me and I have faith in them as well. We are experimenting and seeking out fresh possibilities. Our confidence allows us to take risks and give our all. While we may not always succeed, this time I was able to score two tries. But I could not have accomplished it without the support of my teammates.

On Marlie Packer: We went through her story last night and she’s not had a smooth ride. But I’m so proud of her and I’m proud to call her my captain. She doesn’t just wear her heart on her sleeve. She’s so infectious. Well done Marlie Packer!

This is the first try by Kildunne. It was the best out of the eight tries scored.

England has overtaken France at the top of the standings based on point differential. Kildunne was exceptional while playing at full-back, as was Aitchison in the role of first receiver. It is likely that Aitchison’s performance has secured them a spot in the starting lineup next week.

Aitchison successfully scores the conversion, bringing England just two points shy of fifty. The team scored six tries in the second half, adding to the two they earned in a lackluster opening period. The five-time champions displayed great dominance in their play.

Powell earns her prize! After galloping 30 meters down the field, she is now part of a strong group moving towards the end of the game with momentum.

There is an available spot for one additional player on the team. Powell successfully stole the ball and took off down the field after Italy passed it to the half-way mark. Powell almost made it all the way, but was stopped just before the goal line. Stevanin committed a deliberate foul to stall the game and was subsequently ejected from the match.

79 minutes have passed in the game and Jones made a mistake, possibly due to his slow start at the line. As a result, England most likely won’t be able to increase their score. Italy has a scrum opportunity to finish off the game.

“In 78 minutes, Aitchison’s performance was sublime. She collected the ball on her front foot, lifted her head up, and executed a perfect kick into the corner. It may be a small sample, but I believe she should start at 10 in the next game. She has been exceptional.”

77 minutes have passed and I am unable to name the move, but Rigoni impressed with a behind-the-back-through-the-leg pass, similar to a dog digging sand at the beach. Do you understand what I’m talking about? Regardless, the play ended with a mistake and was not the best choice. However, it was a visually pleasing move.

D’Inca makes a run down the right side, but the pass to her was deemed to be forward. Throughout the day, Italy has struggled to connect and execute a successful play.

Kildunne was named player of the match after 74 minutes. This was the correct choice and Rowland’s yellow card remained unchanged, as predicted.

Despite having 13 players on the field, there was still ample room on the outside! This was made possible by fast-moving ball and an exceptional finish from Kildunne, capping off an outstanding individual performance. The forwards were able to win back possession from an Italian scrum, and the backs were quick to move the ball down the field. Breach made a strong carry, while Hunt maintained the ball’s momentum with precise, zippy passes. Dow, positioned in the midfield, sent a spiral pass to Kildunne, who then burst forward to score.

Italy has a great opportunity to score as they currently have two extra players on the field. However, they must first make their way out of their own territory. A weak kick is caught by Kildunne, but they ultimately make a mistake just outside of Italy’s 22-meter line. As a result, Italy will have a scrum in the center of the field.

It’s not unclean, it’s simply careless. Rowland rushed in to remove Stecca, who was in possession of the ball as England approached the goal line. However, Rowland came in too forcefully and made contact with Stecca’s shoulder and head. She received a yellow card, but there is little chance of the penalty being lessened.

Rowland may have made a potential head shot at the breakdown. Did she lose balance? Did she try to wrap her arms sufficiently? The TMO will make the final decision.

68 minutes into the game, Italy makes a mistake on a line-out, giving England the advantage. All the players in their back-line are active and it seems like Aitchison’s presence has added an extra burst of energy. The team switches directions and works together to get closer to the goal line. Eventually, Dow tries to make a play but is stopped just short, although she definitely deserves the score.

After 65 minutes of play, Italy commits a knock-on error from the line-out, giving England the opportunity to launch a counterattack. Jones runs straight and gains yards, but England also knocks on during the clear-out, resulting in a scrum for Italy.

After 63 minutes, Kildunne forcefully drives Muzzo out of bounds as Italy attempts to attack on the left side. This powerful tackle demonstrates that England is determined to prevent Italy from scoring.

Unavoidable. The substitute player benefits from receiving the ball rapidly and passing it quickly. Aitchison has had a significant impact since entering the game. She attacks directly and chooses the correct pass, controlling the game. Carson catches the ball, straightens her run, and has a clear path to the goal line. Harrison has successfully converted three shots in a row.

61 minutes into the game, Ward successfully takes the ball from the line-out and Kildunne joins the offensive before passing the ball while being tackled. She is truly excelling in her performance. England’s play falters before Breach manages to break through a challenge on her side. They are setting up for a potential score.

60 minutes into the game, a beautiful box kick causes Ostuni Minuzzi to have to quickly change direction before catching the ball that is bouncing on the field. Kildunne quickly approaches her and Madia hurriedly kicks the ball out, but it doesn’t travel very far. This gives England the opportunity to have a line-out inside Italy’s 22. Maddie Feaunati also makes her debut by replacing Marlie Packer, who receives a standing ovation for playing in her 100th Test match.

After 58 minutes, both teams are substituting players. Italy has a 6-2 player ratio. I neglected to mention that eight minutes ago, England swapped out their entire front row. They have also replaced their scrum-halves, with Natasha Hunt taking over for Lucy Packer.

After 56 minutes, Stefan continues to use the box kick strategy and succeeds in finding her intended recipient. This causes England’s players to shift direction and D’Inca is intrigued by the bouncing ball. However, Breach manages to retrieve the ball and England successfully clears it from their own line-out.

The gates have been opened! Aitchison, substituting for Scarratt, makes a beautiful short pass without looking to Rowland on the line. She breaks away and scores a delightful first phase. Harrison is now in full gear, adding two more points to the score.

Reworded: After 53 minutes, Kildunne once again initiates a play from the back. She passes to Dow, who runs powerfully down the line, staying just in bounds. Packer then recycles the ball and Scarratt tries to make a long pass to take advantage of an open space, but the ball is too far and ends up going forward before being accidentally dropped. I can’t help but wonder if being more patient would have been a better choice.

Excellent performance! She has been fantastic throughout the day and that was an outstanding play. While Stefan’s box kick may not have been the best, the England full-back was quick to catch it. Leaping into the air, she smoothly collected the ball. As soon as her feet hit the ground, she wasted no time and made her way towards the goal. Stepping twice, she then kicked into high gear and easily reached the finish line, securing a bonus point for England. Harrison skillfully adds the final points with a successful kick.

After 50 minutes of play, Kildunne makes a run from the back and passes to Kabeya, who then quickly gives it to Scarratt. However, they appear to obstruct each other… wait a moment…

After 48 minutes of play, we see some action from Italy. Muzzo makes a run down the left with the ball. However, England quickly regains possession after the ball is moved back. England kicks the ball, followed by another kick from Italy which causes Kildunne to need to defend. Rowland eventually tries to clear the ball, but it doesn’t reach the touchline. Stefan then attempts a box-kick, which Kildunne is able to handle again.

Harrison has missed three times today, which is unusual for her accuracy from the tee. The last shot she took was particularly challenging. While she is hitting the ball solidly, it is not landing where she intends.

Unable to be halted, Atkin-Davies successfully throws the ball into the target five meters away and benefits from a powerful maul at the rear to score a try.

There was a 44 minute penalty for England when Maris, the Italian prop, charged into Marlie Packer, resulting in a collision with a brick wall. The play ended with Harrison kicking into the corner.

After 43 minutes, Harrison attempts a cross-kick pass but fails to make a connection. Despite repeated attempts, the team continues to struggle with over-hitting these passes. Italy gains possession with a throw at the midfield line.

After 42 minutes, Atkin-Davies makes another line-out throw that is crooked. I believe this is the third time she has done so in the game.

Resuming now. England is playing with one fewer player, but that should not be used as an excuse for a disorganized first half. They will need to improve in the next 40 minutes.

At the beginning of the game, Italy begins after a scrum, but Kildunne counterattacks strongly. Eventually, the ball is kicked out of play, marking the end of a chaotic first half. England controlled the game, but struggled to work together as a team. However, they deserve their current lead. I will be back shortly.

Italy lacks the necessary strength to advance through tight spaces and the precision to spread out. This allows England to maintain distance and eventually snatch the ball. Clifford steals the ball and Harrison makes a beautiful pass to set up Breach, but unfortunately the pass drifts forward and Italy gets a scrum in their own half.

Ward makes an attempt! She displays strength from a short distance after Kabeya aggressively pushed forward again. Rowland deserves recognition for her initial run that brought her team close. Unfortunately, Harrison’s conversion is not successful.

After a swift execution of the line-out, England has advanced to Italy’s 22 in just 36 minutes. Rowland notices a gap and makes a direct run towards it, bringing England to within striking distance. They are now just five meters away from the goal line.

After 34 minutes, Italy makes a rare attack into England’s area. Muzza skillfully carries the ball, but Kabeya stops their momentum with a powerful tackle that results in a knock-on. The TMO is consulted about a possible dangerous hit by D’Inca on Harrison while he was in the air. The outcome is a penalty for England.

They have finally arrived at their destination! Botterman is an impressive scorer who has been active throughout the game. After a strong scrum, England moves to the left. Harrison makes a quick move with her right foot and nearly breaks through. Scarratt steps in as the scrum-half and maintains the momentum, leaving only the question of who will make the final play. In the end, it is the determined prop who earns England their first point.

After 29 minutes, England almost scores with a group tackle, but Italy’s defense remains strong. They opt for a wider approach, using Scarratt as their main strategist. Ward charges, but falls just one meter short. Botterman’s advance is successful. Dow attempts to break free, but is unable to find an opening. Italy’s infringement results in a penalty for England, just 5 meters from the goal. The team decides to form a scrum.

In the 28th minute, England showed improvement with their play. Kildunne began the sequence by cleanly catching a high ball. Kabeya and M Packer made strong runs to push England beyond the opposition’s gainline. Scarratt executed a clever pass behind her back to Dow who ran against the flow of play from the wide channel. Botterman powered through two defenders and resulted in Italy losing their footing at the breakdown, giving England a penalty just outside the 22-meter line on the right side.

After 27 minutes, Italy attempts an offensive move but makes a hasty pass, leading to a knock-on. England struggles to organize themselves, causing the runners to start from a standstill. Yet another cross-kick fails to reach the intended target. Honestly, this has been a difficult match to watch.

After 25 minutes of play, Aldcroft steals the ball during a line-out and Packer makes a successful run through a tackle near the edge. Scarratt has possession and notices an opportunity in the open field, but her cross-kick goes too far and Italy gains possession near the midline.

Source: theguardian.com