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Poll for the most significant moment in Australian sports history.
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Poll for the most significant moment in Australian sports history.

Australia is a country that is obsessed with sports. While not everyone may be a devoted fan, the intensity and excitement of a particular moment can easily captivate even those who are not typically sports enthusiasts.

What qualities define a memorable moment? Is there one that surpasses all others? We invite you to cast your vote for the top moment in Australian sports, in hopes of reaching a conclusive decision. (Although, with events like the 2023 games, the debate may continue indefinitely.)

A group of Guardian Australia’s most knowledgeable sports experts narrowed down a list of 50 standout moments from hundreds of reader suggestions. To learn more about each moment and relive the excitement, click the red plus button. Then, make your choice by clicking the green “vote” button. Remember, you can only vote once before the round ends on Saturday night.

Once the voting is completed, the top 10 will be announced on the following Monday, when the last round of voting will commence. It is expected that not everyone will be satisfied with the outcome, and we understand that some may believe that “every time Collingwood plays” should have been included in the shortlist. However, this is simply a reflection of the nature of sports – there will always be winners and losers, with others falling somewhere in between.

My vote

The most memorable moment I have had in Australian sports is:

Source: theguardian.com