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The Daily Mail talkshow, The Reaction, is being compared to an apocalypse. It's time to take cover!
Culture TV and Radio

The Daily Mail talkshow, The Reaction, is being compared to an apocalypse. It’s time to take cover!

One of the indicators of an approaching apocalypse is when the sun goes dark and wild animals become fearful. In addition, the Daily Mail has started their own television talk show. I am retreating to my bunker and securing the entrance.

In the past, The Mail offered video content on its paid app. However, it is now broadcasting this weekly talk show for free on YouTube.

The show, titled The Reaction, seems to have been given a temporary name that was never updated. It is presented by Andrew Pierce and Sarah Vine, who promise straight-forward viewpoints, occasional disagreements, and hopefully some enjoyment. The term “hopefully” carries a significant weight in this statement.

If you are unfamiliar with these trendy newcomers, consider yourself lucky. Vine is an older journalist and former partner of Michael Gove. She continues to engage with followers on the social media platform formerly known as Twitter, using the username @WestminsterWAG, even though she and Gove ended their marriage two years ago.

Pierce, who co-hosts a morning show on GB News, goes by the social media handle @toryboypierce (which may indicate bias). The pair states that they have been friends for two decades, resulting in a comfortable chemistry similar to that of Holly and Phil in their later years.

The Mail’s front page featured a highly anticipated article with the title: “Sarah Vine and Andrew Pierce’s Opinions on Jason Donovan’s 55-Year-Old Body and Black Nail Polish!” (The use of all caps and absence of a question mark is their own.) Not exactly a pressing matter. With all the current scandals, conflicts, and crises in the headlines, they chose to focus on Scott from Neighbours’ slightly unexpected choice of nail color.

The 30-minute episode is split into three segments: Nuclear Reaction (focusing on the Post Office drama), Royal Reaction (highlighting Prince Andrew’s troubles), and Allergic Reaction (discussing celebrity gossip that annoys our hosts). They also include some unnecessary anti-trans remarks.

Similar to the characters Statler and Waldorf, who are known for their criticisms, neither of them have anything positive to say about others. Alan Bates, who used to work at a post office, is mockingly referred to as a “saintly figure” now. Nicola Sturgeon is described as “horrible and ghastly”, George Clooney as a “woke warrior”, and Amal Clooney as a “human rights bore”.

Although the Duke of York has connections to convicted sex traffickers, the Duchess of Sussex is considered the least popular royal and rightfully so. This constant negativity even extends to Oxo cubes, which Vine finds repulsive and covers her mouth in shock. Pierce subtly mentions that Oxo is likely a major advertiser for the Mail.

Unfortunately, this live TV job is proving to be quite challenging. Concerningly, the program began four minutes later than scheduled. The presenters frequently look at the incorrect camera or fail to make eye contact at all. This, combined with a lack of engagement from viewers, creates a sense of exclusion. It appears as though Vine and Pierce are having a conversation with each other, while ignoring the audience.

Many journalists choose to focus on either print or broadcast media because while some skills may be applicable to both, there are also specific skills that differ between the two. Vine is used to being a guest on TV shows like Piers Morgan Uncensored and The Darren Grimes Show, but hosting her own show is a different experience. She appears flustered and loses her train of thought, while Pierce appears smoother and overly proud of himself.

Individuals often struggle to recall specific names, such as Jeffrey Epstein’s lawyer, Alan Dershowitz, who is referred to as “Dersh-something-or-other”. Similarly, the 007 actor, Daniel Craig, is known as “Daniel what’s-he-called”, and diver Tom Daley, who is approaching his 30th birthday, is remembered as “that sweet little boy”. The audience is assured of “big-name guests”, yet no notable names are present.

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The content is completely lacking in visual elements. Instead of using video clips, only a few still images are included. The producers simply placed cameras in front of a podcast and considered it suitable for television. As of now, it has received 2,500 views. Even a livestream of an Oxo cube would likely garner more attention.

The Mail consistently criticizes the BBC and Channel 4. However, programs on these channels maintain a level of professionalism. This cannot be said for Vine and Pierce’s show, which is comparable to being trapped at a dreadful dinner party. Let’s just pass the polenta and avoid discussing Brexit, as it will only trigger their arguments once more.

The show, named The Reaction, claims to be a unique talkshow. However, it falls short of expectations. It is possible that this initial attempt will serve as a humbling experience. Hopefully, the creators will recognize its flaws and make changes to the structure or bring on more personable hosts.

Keep dreaming. They will ignore any criticism by labeling it as “liberal bias” and continue to boast about themselves. If you need me, I will be in my safe place.

Source: theguardian.com