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“I cried uncontrollably for 20 minutes” – reflecting on my favorite moments from Doctor Who.

“We were not aware that it was an episode of Doctor Who.”

When we were living in France, Doctor Who was revived with Christopher Eccleston, so we didn’t get to see it. I wasn’t too bothered because I was a big fan of Tom Baker and protective of the show from my childhood. We moved back to the UK when our kids were six and three. My husband and I ended up watching it after they went to bed. In one episode, a woman was exploring an empty house and discovered a hidden message under the wallpaper addressed to her. The statues in the garden started moving closer, making it the weeping angel episode. David Tennant played the Doctor at that time, but we didn’t even realize it was a Doctor Who episode. We were surprised because it seemed too scary for kids! However, we later remembered how scary the show used to be in the 70s and 80s, with giant spiders and sea monsters. Eventually, we let our daughter watch a couple of episodes with us and she became a fan. David Tennant is her favorite Doctor. We have now watched all episodes from Christopher Eccleston to Jodie Whittaker and are huge fans. Lisa Valentine, 51, Wiltshire.

‘William Hartnell’s speech to Susan’

Diana and her sons, pictured with Peter Capaldi in 2018.

Growing up, I was a fan of Doctor Who and now I love sharing it with my sons. Over the years, we have been lucky enough to meet many of the actors. In the episode “Dalek Invasion of Earth,” William Hartnell’s character gives a powerful speech to his granddaughter, Susan, saying, “One day, I shall come back…” Despite Hartnell’s departure from the show, his performance left a lasting impact and the character continues to evolve with limitless possibilities. We are excited to see where the show will go next. Diana Wagner, 48, from Texas, USA.

When Van Gogh viewed his artwork displayed in an exhibition.

One of the most poignant moments in history occurred when Vincent Van Gogh gazed upon his exhibited paintings and witnessed the adoration of his devoted fans. It was an overwhelming, unforgettable moment that a time machine could only hope to recreate. -Derekk Ross, Cornwall

‘A passing thought’

The Doctor, portrayed by Tom Baker, and his assistant are exploring the Doctor’s mind when a vividly flashing sphere zooms past them. “What was that?!” exclaimed the assistant. “Oh,” replied the Doctor in a casual manner, “just a fleeting idea.” From Paul, 65, Australia.

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‘The Sea Devils’

Helen O’Rahilly in 2003.

During the 1970s, Ireland received free access to BBC due to the overlap of its Welsh transmitter on our eastern coast. At the age of seven, I would tune in every Saturday to watch Jon Pertwee. The Sea Devils episodes, which aired in February 1972, had me so scared that I would hide under the coffee table. The opening scenes of the lonely lighthouse and the silent pursuit of the reptilian Devils still stick with me to this day. Later on, I had the opportunity to work with the BBC One team that revived Doctor Who. In 2002, as the channel executive for controller Lorraine Heggessey, I would play my speaking Dalek toy (“EX-TER-MIN-ATE”) every morning in hopes of persuading her to bring back the series. And it worked! Helen O’Rahilly, from Dublin, Ireland.

“A massive larva crawling towards Jo Grant”

I vividly recall the intense fear I felt while watching a massive maggot slowly inching its way towards Jo Grant in an episode of The Green Death during the Pertwee era. It is often mentioned that viewers would hide behind their sofas in fear, and I was no exception. My mother, also a fan of Doctor Who, attempted to console me by suggesting that the maggot probably just wanted to have a conversation with Jo. I’m not sure why, but this reassurance did help calm me down. Another favorite moment of mine was when Christopher Eccleston transformed into David Tennant. Watching the first series of the revived show with my eldest daughter was a shared experience that turned her into a lifelong fan. When the episode ended, she ran out of the room in tears, crying out “but I don’t want him to go!” Although we now watch together and communicate through chat, Doctor Who continues to bring three generations of my family together and keeps us connected through a silly show about a blue box. – Andrew Stephens, Swindon

“What will be the next thing after flying Daleks?”

In 1988, at the age of six, I distinctly remember watching a Dalek fly up a set of stairs in the impressive 25th anniversary episode, “Remembrance of the Daleks.” At the time, I had no idea that I was witnessing a significant moment in history. Little did I know, there were plenty more surprises to come. David, age 41, from Shropshire.

I cried heavily like an infant.

Paul Nethercott.

The most memorable moment for me was when the Tenth Doctor and Rose Tyler said their goodbyes at Darlig Ulv Stranden (Bad Wolf Bay) in the 2006 episode Doomsday. I couldn’t control my tears when I first saw this scene; I was inconsolable for about 20 minutes. The unfairness of their separation, the end of their exciting adventures together, and the unspoken words that were almost shared between them before being cruelly and suddenly cut off (or so we thought at the time). I am eagerly anticipating what Russell T Davies will bring to the next installment of my favorite TV show, but I hope I won’t end up crying again. Paul Nethercott, 56, Manchester

“The initial episode”

I have a vivid memory of the initial episode that I watched alongside my brother on a small Bush television. Our neighbor Pip would often join us, enjoying his tea on a tray as we were the only ones in the neighborhood with a TV. From the first notes of the opening music to the very end, the three of us were completely engrossed and made sure not to miss any subsequent episodes. I can still recall hiding behind the couch when the Cybermen appeared – they were incredibly frightening. The show provided endless opportunities for us to act it out and recreate our favorite scenes. Years later, I pursued a career as a camerawoman and had the incredible opportunity to work on Doctor Who in 1980 with Tom Baker and Peter Davison. Even in a small role, being a part of the production was an exhilarating experience. Sara, 65, East Sussex

Source: theguardian.com