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Science World News

According to an expert, the warnings about AI causing doomsday are diverting attention from the current danger it presents.

A senior industry representative attending the AI safety summit this week argues that fixating on potential catastrophic outcomes of artificial intelligence distracts from more pressing concerns, such as the widespread spread of false information. Aidan Gomez, one of the authors…

Culture Science

“Refer to me as the chief priestess of the moon goddess”: scientist Dr Maggie Aderin-Pocock specializing in space.

C “I am designated as the chief priestess of the moon goddess,” declares Dr. Maggie Aderin-Pocock in response to my question about her preferred title as an astronomer, physicist, or space scientist. She has the qualifications for all three, having…


“What is the reason for your perceived attractiveness?” – addressing the overlooked issue of body dysmorphia.

O On a regular day, Eve* would wake up and begin examining her body while still in bed. She would purposely avoid looking at herself while showering or when choosing clothes to conceal her body. During my work day, I…

Culture Science

I have taken note of Carlo Rovelli’s cultural recommendations.

B Born in 1956 in Verona, Italy, Carlo Rovelli is a theoretical physicist known for his work in the philosophy of science. He has written several books, including the popular Seven Brief Lessons on Physics, The Order of Time, and…


The journey to AI: tracing the roots of artificial intelligence, from Turing to ChatGPT.

I In the wintertime of 1958, Frank Rosenblatt, a psychologist who was 30 years old at the time, was traveling from Cornell University to the Office of Naval Research in Washington DC. During his trip, he made a pit stop…

Environment Science World News

“Even common pigeons appear stunning: experience the vibrant beauty of a biofluorescent nature excursion.”

I It is a dark and dreary evening in the rural countryside. In the distance, a tawny owl can be heard calling. I am filled with delight as I gently stroke a slug. Suddenly, Jeremy Buxton, a farmer, exclaims from…

Environment Science World News

Industry professionals exposed as supporters of pro-meat “scientists’ declaration”

The Guardian has uncovered that a statement signed by over 1,000 scientists advocating for meat production and consumption is closely connected to the livestock industry. This statement has been utilized to influence top EU officials to oppose environmental and health…


By 2040, it is projected that there could be 1.7 million individuals in England and Wales impacted by dementia, according to data.

Experts are cautioning that dementia presents a significant risk to healthcare systems and the overall population in England and Wales. Data indicates that by 2040, approximately 1.7 million individuals will suffer from this condition. It is widely recognized as one…

Science World News

According to a study, female chimpanzees in the wild have a long lifespan after they have gone through menopause.

Researchers have discovered that female chimpanzees in their natural habitat experience menopause and can live for a substantial amount of time afterwards. This indicates that menopause may be more common among chimpanzees than previously believed. The reason behind why certain…

Science World News

The introduction of this novel malaria vaccination will revolutionize our fight against the most lethal organisms on the planet. | Devi Sridhar

W Do you want to try to figure out which animal is the most harmful in the world? During a community event with schools in Edinburgh, my team asked children this question and got responses such as sharks, alligators, spiders,…