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Ron DeSantis signs bill scrubbing ‘climate change’ from Florida state laws

Climate change will be a lesser priority in Florida and largely disappear from state statutes under legislation signed on Wednesday by the state’s governor, Ron DeSantis, in a move which experts say ignores the reality of Florida’s climate threats. The…

The search for the perfect wetsuit: is there one that doesn’t harm the planet?

I have been hesitating for months. The wetsuit I swim in every week to keep me toasty warm in the winter and safe from jellyfish stings in the summer is riddled with holes. Yet I can’t bring myself to buy…

‘It’s unbelievable the difference a path has made’: how volunteers are building a cycle network a yard at a time

In the past two years, multiple sections of a hoped-for 76-mile rural cycling and walking route spanning Somerset have sprouted up around the small town of Shepton Mallet, seemingly every few weeks. These new routes are popular. One 300-metre section…

Net zero U-turns will hit UK infrastructure, say government advisers

Rishi Sunak’s U-turns over net zero have delayed progress on vital infrastructure that is needed for economic growth, the government’s advisers have said. Sir John Armitt, the chair of the National Infrastructure Commission (NIC), said good progress had been made…

Climate disruption to UK seasons causes problems for migratory birds

Migratory birds, especially those long-distance travellers that winter in sub-Saharan Africa, are struggling with the effects of climate change. Specifically, the trend towards earlier springs is causing problems, because when they arrive at their usual time – between mid-April and…

Walkleys end media awards sponsorship deal with fossil fuel company Ampol

The Walkley Foundation will not renew its major sponsorship deal with the fossil fuel company Ampol after changing its donation policy to sever ties with companies whose dealings “offer no tangible benefit to humanity”. Ampol’s two-year platinum sponsorship is understood…

Country diary: Cherry blossom has given way to apple blossom | Virginia Spiers

In this cool, damp May, greenery washes across the land, clouding memories of wintry mud and rain. Along the lanes near home, fresh leaves of woody growth on flailed hedge banks merge with bluebells, stitchwort and an array of unfurling ferns…

The village that fell into a river: Sim Chi Yin’s best photograph

I started my Shifting Sands series seven years ago to look at how the world is running out of usable sand. It’s the next big resource crisis. I’m from Singapore, the world’s biggest importer of sand per capita, due to…

The 1.5C global heating target was always a dream, but its demise doesn’t signal doom for climate action | Bill McKibben

I remember the first time I heard the 1.5C target. It was in a room at the Copenhagen climate talks in 2009. With the expectation of a binding agreement slipping away and negotiations failing, some of us activists joined delegates…

Four kids left: The Thai school swallowed by the sea – video

Ban Khun Samut Chin, a coastal village in Samut Prakan province, Thailand, has been slowly swallowed by the sea over the past few decades. This has led to the relocation of the school and many homes, resulting in a dwindling…