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Month: June 2024

Protect Windermere from sewage, campaigners urge UK party leaders

The next government must give Windermere greater protection from sewage pollution, campaigners including the naturalist Chris Packham and the comedian Paul Whitehouse have urged in an open letter to all party leaders. The campaign group Save Windermere, which organised the…

The big British bamboo crisis: ‘It invaded my beautiful home’

Isobel Chetwood moved to her dream home on her birthday just over a decade ago. As she wound up a 40-year career in the NHS as a GP practice manager in Stockport, Greater Manchester, she was keen to return to…

Charlotte Higgins on The Archers: car-tastrophe in the Am!

Nothing happens in Ambridge for months, and then everything happens. Early in May, on a bridge just outside the village, two cars collided, exploding plotlines and almost drowning three characters. The erratically driven vehicle that caused the swerve that resulted…

Slaughter-free sausages: is lab-grown meat the future? – podcast

Ian Sample hears from Linda Geddes about her recent trip to the Netherlands to try cultivated meat sausages, courtesy of the company Meatable. Advocates say that cultivated meat could be the future of sustainable and ethical meat production. Linda explains…

Cursed Histories review – so bonkers you’ll struggle not to laugh

History buffs, be warned: Cursed Histories is heavy on the curses but light on the history, and if I didn’t know better, I would suspect that at least one of the historians offering their expertise here is struggling to keep…

Steve Borthwick puts faith in Tom Curry in much-changed England tour squad

Times are changing in English rugby as the 36-man squad to tour Japan and New Zealand clearly illustrates. It has been many years since a full‑strength Red Rose squad boarded a long-haul flight without Owen ­Farrell, ­Courtney Lawes, the Vunipola…

‘He made every sentence electric’: Martin Amis remembered by Tina Brown, his old friend and devoted editor

I was 19. Martin was 23. I was still at Oxford. Martin had just finished, but not yet published, The Rachel Papers. We started chatting at a book party about our favourite magazine, the New Statesman. The byline I most…

Council asks for permanent injunction to stop protests outside UK oil terminal

A council is trying to extend a controversial injunction against “persons unknown” to stop any future protests outside an oil terminal operated by Shell UK. Lawyers for North Warwickshire borough council will argue in the high court on Tuesday that…

Wild horses return to Kazakhstan steppes after absence of two centuries

A group of the world’s last wild horses have returned to their native Kazakhstan after an absence of about 200 years. The seven horses, four mares from Berlin and a stallion and two other mares from Prague, were flown to…

Trump vows to ‘drill, baby, drill’ despite rally attendees wilting in extreme heat

Dozens of Donald Trump’s supporters have been requiring medical help at his rallies in the scorching US south-west but it seems lost on him that his plans to reverse climate policies and “drill, baby, drill” for fossil fuels will only…