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Environment World News

The progress of climate action has been hindered by lobbying efforts.

Since the initial climate negotiations in Berlin in 1995, the fossil fuel sector has been actively funneling resources into lobbyists, think tanks, and unscrupulous academics with the goal of impeding governmental efforts.

Having covered numerous annual UN Cop climate talks, it is customary to encounter a balance of well-dressed individuals attempting to disrupt the conferences, alongside environmental organizations and representatives from at-risk nations pushing for quicker measures.

As the undeniable impact of climate change is evident, outright denial is no longer a viable stance. Thus, alternative strategies have been employed.

The ongoing crusade against land-based wind turbines, which are the most cost-effective means of generating electricity in the UK, serves as an illustration. This effort has persisted for many years, primarily targeting members of parliament through propaganda.

During the current summer, 47% of Members of Parliament (MPs) believe that their constituents would be against the construction of onshore windfarms. Only 17% of MPs anticipate that their constituents would support such projects. However, a recent survey revealed that only 14% of the general public are opposed to windfarms, and a majority of 56% would welcome their presence in their vicinity.

It demonstrates the significant influence of lobbying in impeding progress on addressing the climate emergency.

Source: theguardian.com